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he manipulated them with many forms of Propaganda, such as Nazi- favouring newspapers, cheap radios which didn't pick up foreign signals and loudspeakers in the streets. Mass rallies were organised where Hitler addressed the audiences showing off his amazing public-speaking skills. Joseph Goebbels was the Minister for Propaganda.

Hitler also used censorship he used the cinema, books and music to get his views across. Jazz Music was disallowed and books written by Jews were banned and burned. Hitler used the Olympic Games in Berlin to show the superiority of the Aryan race, however black-American athlete Jesse Owens winning four gold medals slightly dampened the Nazi celebrations.

Hitler controlled the German people and his cumulative propaganda and censorship was hard to resist, propaganda really strengthened Hitler's Dictatorship.

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13y ago
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12y ago

The types of propaganda used by Hitler for the rise of his power were posters and radio ads that procalimed the Germans were hurt by the Treaty of Versallies and they needed to fight back. It said they had to protect their homes and nations and families, that people who weren't German were less inferior like the Jews, African Americans and other races.

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15y ago

He used the power of Mass Communication, specially the power of vision and sound, where people can see his performance and dramatic gestures, he created dramatic scenes where he was always the hero in it, used messiah figures to make people believe in him more easily, he also used charismatic voice and looks, in which both of it he did several trainings to improve, and he basically played on emotions of the people, using hatred anger and love all in his favor, and aroused the deeper emotions and thinkings of the people to the open, first installed them in the subcoucious then heavily brought to their councious thinking.

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12y ago

Goebbels was the minister of propaganda during Nazi Germany. The Nazis did a lot of indoctrinating in schools and through the hitler youth, which was mandatory. There were many children's stories printed featuring Jewish gentlemen as the antagonists. During the elections the Nazis used different campaigns to attract all of the different groups in society, promising anything that would get them into power. Hitler also had the advantage of being very popular by bringing jobs and economic stability to Germany. Additionally the Reichstag fire was blamed on the communists, which was a good excuse to lock them up.

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Racism is not propaganda. But you might use propaganda to convince people that certain races are not good - as Hitler did.

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8y ago

Hitler promoted an extreme patriotism and blamed particular minority groups (most notably the Jews) for Germany's problems.

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Through the use of propaganda. Books, film, television, radio and other forms of media were poisoned with Hitler's ultimate vision and plan to rid Germany of Jews. Basically, he instilled fear by spreading lies and so the people were scared and believed him.

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