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Q: What happens to bacteria at different degrees?
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What happens to bacteria between 63 degrees and 37 degrees?

They begin to multiply.

What happens to bacteria at 5 degrees Celsius?

They get killed at 100degree celcius

What happens when you heat milk at about 66 degrees to kill most of the bacteria?

When milk is heated to 66 degrees to kill most of the bacteria, the primary thing which happens is its chemical composition is slightly altered. This also kills natural enzymes within the milk.

What happens to most food poisoning bacteria at temperatures below 5?

Below 5 degrees Celsius (41 degrees Fahrenheit), most bacteria that are associated with foodborne illnesses would stop increasing in number.

What temperature range kills bacteria?

different bacteria have different temperature ranges many however are adapted to the temperature of 37 degrees Celsius (core temperature of the human body) so for those bacteria anything above 45 to 50 will usually kill them

What happens to bacteria at 100 degrees?

most bacteria thrive in heat, multiply faster. But at very high temperature, they stop growing. Some bacteria have the ability to survive at temp of more than 100 degrees Celsius. They are known as extremophiles

What happens to bacteria at 63 degrees?

Bacteria in food reaching a temperature of no more than 63c is very dangerous. Bacteria thrive at this temperature. Food is in what can be referred to as a 'high risk or danger zones'. Food should not be consumed and should be destroyed.

How fast do bacteria multiply?

In order for bacteria to multiply, they need warmth, moisture, food and time. There is no definitive answer as to how fast bacteria multiply since different bacteria grow at different rates. However, given the right environment, some bacteria can start to multiply immediately.

What happens if you get poisoning?

Depends on the type of food poisoning. Different bacteria from different foods, different symptoms. Can range from diarrhea to kidney failure and death.

What happens most food poisoning bacteria at temperatures below 5 degrees celcius?

Most food poisoning bacteria can't continue to grow and multiply at temperatures below 5°C. There are some exceptions such as Listeria.

Does all bacteria have the same growth temperature?

No; like all life on Earth, different organisms colonise different ecological niches. Enterococcus bacteria like to grow at body temperature, around 37 degrees Celsius. However, Thermophila bacteria can survive in hot springs which are at over 90 degrees Celsius. For interest, 'entero' refers to the gastrointestinal tract whilst 'thermophila' means 'likes heat'.

What happens to bacteria in the danger zone?

The danger zone is a range of temperatures at which most pathogenic bacteria (such as E. coli, Salmonella and Campylobacter) will multiply rapidly at. Raw foods with internal temperatures in the danger zone may become unsafe to eat within two hours due to increased numbers of these bacteria.