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You will get really jittery and feel a little anxioty eat a fruit or a small snack before.

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Q: What happens when you take a fat burning pill on an empty stomach?
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What happens if you take a penicillin pill with a empty stomach?

You're suppose to take it on an empty-stomach. Or 1 hour before a meal or three hours after.

What happens if you take your birth control pill on an empty stomach?

The effectiveness is the same whether you take the birth control pill with food or on any empty stomach, but some women have nausea if they don't take the birth control pill with food.

Can you take birth control pills on a empty stomach?

Take into consideration what the pill is actually for. Normally any pill used for pain is taken on a full stomach or with food.

Why take pills on an empty stomach?

No you do not, If you have an empty stomach sometimes the drug can be overpoweringif you are not an avid user. I would suggest eating something small like a banana first. But reguardless, it wont hurt you , maybe just get you feeling too good!

What happens when you sniff a pill on a full stomach?

YOUR STUPID and u will blo up

Does tylenlo upset the stomach?

Any pill can give you a stomachache if you take it on an empty stomach. However, if you already have food in your stomach, or you take the pill with food, you'll be fine. Also, tylenol causes no stomach pain in itself.

What happens it you take a pill on an empty stomach?

Nothing, taking pain medicine with food will actually lower the effect of the medication. If you feel sick or nausea after taking the pain medicine take with crackers or a slice of bread.

What does oxymorphne 10mg IR look like?

Very large and usually white, there should be a line across the back and the number of milligrams engraved on the pill. This pill should be swallowed and not taken on a empty stomach.

What is the cause of burning in your throat after swollowing a pill with hot coffee?

my theory is that the hot liquid starts to break down the medicatin in your mouth rather in your stomach, the medication begins to absorb in your throat and that is what causes a burning sensation

Why take penicillin on an empty stomach?

An empty stomach, with generally less acid than a stomach with food in it, will have a HIGHER pH. Acid is below 7 pH and base is above 7 pH. An empty stomach has less acid. If a medication is to be taken on am empty stomach, the goal is to have the pill survive past the stomach without reacting with stomach acid. These medications are better when absorbed in the duodenum or small intestine. Venous blood flow from the intestines first passes through the liver, which is necessary for some medications to become activated. If these medications are broken down and absorbed to the bloodstream through the stomach, then they do not get this early "first pass" through the liver to become activated, and you lose much of the medication's benefit.

What happens with a pill in your stomach?

it raises some hormones which make other ones higher. but all it basically does is stops the woman producing eggs

Why shouldn't you take aspirin with an empty stomach?

Aspirin, like any other pill, will irritate your stomach. When you eat foods, they churn in your stomach and turn into harmless acids that dissolve more foods and digested things, until excreted. So, when you eat something before taking an Aspirin, there are more acids inside your stomach to help dissolve the Aspirin, reducing the irritation that it can have on your stomach and stomach lining. If you don't eat before taking an Aspirin, you may get some stomach irritation, followed by a stomach ache, but it shouldn't be too severe. But, I would recommend having at least a small snack before taking one, or any other pill, for that matter