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Q: What is an alternative exercise for hanging leg raise?
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Is a hanging leg raise a trunk flexion?


Name an intended action of the primary muscle for the hanging leg raise?

While performing a hanging leg raise one of the intended actions of the primary muscle, the iliopsoas, is to flex the thigh and the trunk during the exercise. Other primary muscles include the rectus femoris, tensor fascia lata, and adductors.

What is the intended action of the abs in the hanging leg raise?

trunk flexion

What is the primary muscle used in a hanging leg raise?

it works your abs

What is the intended action of the primary muscle of hanging leg raise?

trunk flexion lateral trunk flexion

What is the primary muscle used for the hanging leg raise?

it works your abs

What muscles are worked during opposite arm and leg raise exercise?

Recus Abdominals. "Abs"

Name 2 ways to exercise your abdominal muscles?

you can use the traditional leg raise movements like hanging leg raises or leg raises on inclined board or leg raises on flat surface or leg tucks you can also do crunching movements like floor crunch, cable crunch or crunches on inclined board other than this you can also do a third movement - twisting or side bend movement to hit your obliques

Can you name an alternative exercise to lunges?

Box squats, front squats, back squats, and leg presses are a few alternatives to lunges.

What is the primary muscle used in performing hanging leg raise?

legs extended = lower abs bias legs tucked in = upper abs bias so abs in general

What is the function of leg raise in netball?

leg raise is lie on the floor put hands behind your lower back raise your leg 6 inches from the groung for 5 seconds

What are leg raises?

An exercise where you lay on the floor, put your hands behind your lower back, and raise your legs 6 inches from the ground for a good, slow 5 seconds.