

Best Answer

Code segment

assume cs:code

mov si,1500h

mov di,1600h

mov ax,[si]

mov bx,[si+2]

add ax,bx

mov [di],ax

mov [di+2],dx

mov ah,4ch

int 21h

code ends


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Q: What is the asm code for 16 bit addition of 8086?
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Can 8085 CPU replace 8086 CPU?

No. The 8086 has instructions not present in the 8085. The 8086 was marketed as "source compatible" with the 8085, meaning that there was a translator program which could convert assembly language code for the 8085 into assembly language code for the 8086. However, this does not mean that the compiled 8086 assembly code would then run on an 8085; among other things, the 8086 was a true 16-bit processor, as opposed to the 8085 which was an 8-bit processor that supported a few 16-bit operations.

How many base registers are there in 8086?

There are four base registers in the 8086/8088; Code Segment (CS), Data Segment (DS), Stack Segment (SS), and Extra Segment (ES).

What represent 8086?

8086 means its a 8 bit processor and 86 is its model number

How many type of instructions does the 32-bit Intel 8086 have?

The Intel 8086/8088 is not a 32 bit machine. It is a 16 bit machine. It has 72 instruction types.

What is the difference between 8086 and 8088 microprocessor?

The difference between the 8086 and the 8088 is that the 8086 has a 16 bit data bus and that the 8088 has an 8 bit data bus. Both processors are the same 16 bit processor, and both have a 20 bit address bus. The 8086 is twice as fast as the 8088 in terms of data transfer rate on the bus for the same bus clock speed.

What is 8086 processor?

it primarily running as a 16 bit it is so called as 8086

Why 8088 is slower than 8086?

The 8088 is slower than the 8086 because the 8088 is running an 8-bit bus, while the 8086 runs a 16-bit bus. The two processors are the same, 16-bit processors, but the 8088 requires twice as many memory accesses to do the same amount of work as the 8086.

Difference between 8086 and 80386?

There are several differences between the 8086 and the 80386. Two notable differences: 1.) the 8086 is a 16 bit computer, while the 80386 is a 32 bit computer, and 2.) the 8086 does not support virtual addressing while the 80386 does.8086 is 8 bit processor and 80386 is 16 bit processor

Size of 8086 address bus?

The 8086/8088 has an internal 20-bit address bus and 16-bit data bus. Externally, the address bus is 20-bits, and the data bus is 16-bits for the 8086 and 8-bits for the 8088.The data bus in the 8086 is 16 bits in size, while the address bus is 20.

What it the size bit address for 8085 and 8086?


Explain the meaning of the sentence 8086 is a 16- bit computer?

The 8086 is called a 16-bit computer because its internal architecture is 16-bits. There are 8-bit operations, but the basic word size is 16-bits.

How does 8086 determine wheather instruction is 8 bit or 16 bit?

based on the size of the data bus they determine whether it is a 8 bit or 16 bit . here in 8086 it has 16 bit data bus hence it is called as 16 bit microprocessor