

Best Answer

If you're seeking advice for colleges that offer "good" courses of study in the field of journalism, the University of Southern California's School of Journalism has produced some of most successful news, sports, arts and entertainment journalists in both broadcast and print media. The alums consistently make-up the largest percentage of the AP, Washington Bureau and run (at the executive level) more seats in our World's leading journalism entities including CBS, ABC, NBC, BBC and NHK to name a few.

If you're looking for courses to improve your writing, thinking about writing a best seller, got a great screen play in mind, or just plain interested in journalism, check out the many Extension courses offered at such fine public institutions as UCLA or the CalState system.

Columbia, Northwestern, and Univeristy of Missouri at Columbia are probably the top three journalism schools in the country.

The Walter Cronkite School of Journalism at The Arizona State University consistently beats all other journalism schools in competitions. ASU has won the Society of Professional Journalist's Intercollegiate News Contest four years in a row, including this year's 2009 competition.

Why stick to North America? There's plenty of choice of journalism programs in Australia. Colleges have been ranked by graduating students in an article in the Australian newspaper, "What makes a good school of journalism."

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12y ago
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16y ago

You can obtain this information by going to and using the sites College MatchMaker search engine. You can research colleges and universities by name, or by programs of study, or by geographical location, size, or combinations of all etc. The site will provide you with a list of institutions based on your request. It will give you the schools background, accreditation, degree offerings, programs of study, entrance requirements, tuition and fees, athletic programs etc. and a link to each institutions official web page. Make sure the college or university has a regional accreditation (most important). Just copy and paste the above link into you browser's address bar. Practice navigating this site. It will be well worth the time and effort.

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14y ago

For colleges and universities within the United States and its territories, you can obtain this information by clicking on the related links section (College Board) indicated at the bottom of this answer section and using the College Board site College MatchMaker search engine. You can research colleges and universities by name, or by programs of study, or by geographical location, size, or combinations of part or all of them. The site will provide you with a list of institutions based on your request. It will give you the schools background, accreditation,degree offerings, programs of study (majors), entrance requirements, tuition and fees, financial assistance, room and board, athletic programs, school activities, etc., and a link to each institutions official web page. Practice navigating this site. It will be well worth the time and effort.


When choosing a college or university within the United States, make sure the institution has a regional accreditation. With a regional accreditation you can be assured the coursework and degree you complete will be recognized by all other colleges and universities as well as employers. Below I have listed the six regional accrediting agencies and their geographical areas of responsibility. I am disclosing the below so you do not become a victim of educational scams, institutions that are nothing more than diploma mills, or that do not have the best accreditation, and are eager to take your money for a degree that is worthless. Make sure the institution is accredited by one of following responsible agencies.

Regional Accreditation Agencies

· Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools - Educational institutions in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands, as well as schools for American children in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East.

· New England Association of Schools and Colleges - Educational institutions in the six New England states (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont).

· North Central Association of Colleges and Schools - Educational institutions in Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, New Mexico, South Dakota, Wisconsin, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

· Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities - Postsecondary institutions (colleges and universities) in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington.

· Western Association of Schools and Colleges - Educational institutions in California, Hawaii, Guam, American Samoa, Micronesia, Palau, and Northern Marianas Islands.

· Southern Association of Colleges and Schools - Educational institutions in Virginia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee and Texas.

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15y ago

You can obtain this information by clicking on the related links section (College Board) indicated at the bottom of this answer box and using the sites College MatchMaker search engine. You can research colleges and universities by name, or by programs of study, or by geographical location, size, or combinations of part or all of them. The site will provide you with a list of institutions based on your request. It will give you the schools background, accreditation, degree offerings, programs of study (majors), entrance requirements, tuition and fees, financial assistance, room and board, athletic programs etc. and a link to each institutions official web page. Practice navigating this site. It will be well worth the time and effort.


When choosing a college or university, make sure the institution has a regional accreditation. With a regional accreditation you can be assured the coursework and degree you complete will be recognized by all other colleges and universities as well as employers. Below I have listed the six accrediting agencies and their geographical areas of responsibility. I am disclosing the below so you do not become a victim of educational scams, institutions that are nothing more than diploma mills, or that do not have the best accreditation, and are eager to take your money for a degree that is worthless. Make sure the institution is accredited by one of following responsible agencies.

Regional Accreditation Agencies

· Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools - Educational institutions in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands, as well as schools for American children in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East.

· New England Association of Schools and Colleges - Educational institutions in the six New England states (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont).

· North Central Association of Colleges and Schools - Educational institutions in Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, New Mexico, South Dakota, Wisconsin, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

· Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities - Postsecondary institutions (colleges and universities) in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington.

· Western Association of Schools and Colleges - Educational institutions in California, Hawaii, Guam, American Samoa, Micronesia, Palau, and Northern Marianas Islands.

· Southern Association of Colleges and Schools - Educational institutions in Virginia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee and Texas.

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17y ago

Here is a website with a few of the BEST colleges for journalism! I hope you like it. I hope I helped!

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16y ago

University of journalism in FloridaUniversity of journalism in Florida

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12y ago

some of the best university in the united states to study jounalism are the Indiana university(IU), the university of Florida, and the university of west Virginia.

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12y ago

portmouth uni is the only uni that does journalisim in england

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