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Physiocracy was an 18th century movement originating in France. Physiocrats were economists who believed the wealth of a nation is derived exclusively from land agriculture. Their most important contribution to economic theory was the emphasis on productive work.

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What were the Physiocrats and what economic policy did they argue for?

Physiocrats were a group of pre-classical economists in France who argued that the wealth of a country was made from the productive work of its labour, especially in agriculture. They advocated support and capital investment in agriculture.

What government policy did Physiocrats support?

the government policy they support was natural laws.

Which is more effective mercantilism or physiocrats?

For me, it is the physiocrats which is effective, because it deals the importance and value of land agriculture and land development which is totally the main sort of living esp. In philippines.w/ out the agricultural products, we cannot live longer.

What is physiocrats?

A physiocrat is a member of a school of political economists founded in 18th century France and characterized chiefly by a belief that government policy should not interfere with the operation of natural economic laws and that land is the source of all wealth.

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