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Catholics are Christians who follow the teachings and leadership of the Roman Catholic Pope, who is based in Rome, Italy. Other Christians who are not Catholics generally do not follow the Pope, and have different views of what is important in the rituals of the Christian religion. Religions that are not Christian religions are more different, as they do not consider Jesus to have been divine or the son of the deity.

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12y ago

There are many differences and similarities between the Catholic Church and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (sometimes called the "Mormon" church), it would be impossible to list them all, but here are some of the larger differences:

While both churches believe in and use the Bible, Catholics usually include the Apocrypha with the Old and New Testaments. Mormons use just the Old and New Testaments but also use the Book of Mormon as an additional testament.

While both churches believe in Jesus Christ, Catholics use the doctrine of the Trinity, believing Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all one being. Mormons believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are separate beings united in purpose.

Both churches have a detailed heriarchial system. The head leader of the Catholic Church is called the Pope and lives at the Vatacan near Rome. The head leader of the Mormon Church is called the Prophet and lives in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Catholics believe that their Church is a continuation of the New Testament Christian Church, and that the line of authority was passed down unbroken from that time. The Mormon Church also believes that they are a continuation of the New Testament Christian Church, but believes the line of authority was broken shortly after the death of the Apostles and therefore had to be restored.

Catholics honor many good people called Saints who have lived throughout the ages. Mormons use the term 'Saint' to apply to anyone who is a member of the Church.

While Catholics have changed their mode of baptism through the centuries, the current baptism is done by sprinkling of Holy Water, which is often performed on infants who have been born into the church. Mormons believe baptism is not valid unless the person is entirely immersed under the water and will not perform a baptism on anyone younger than 8 years old.

Both Catholics and Mormons particpate in the Holy Communion (or Sacrament, as Mormons call it), but Catholics use wine and special wafers. Mormons use water and bread.

Of course there are many other differences but these are some of the more basic. The official websites for both Churches can be found below if you'd like to learn more.

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13y ago

The Catholic Church is essentially basic Christianity. Those doctrines that have entered Catholicism are consistent with the New Testament gospels, even if elaborations of those gospels. Catholics regard the Catholic Church as having been founded by Jesus, 2000 years ago, and even if this is not entirely true it is sufficiently close to be at least a reasonable starting point.

Mormonism, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, like the Catholic Church, teaches the Christian Bible, including the gospels. It can reasonably be called a Christian religion but it differs very significantly from other Christian denominations. Joseph Smith claimed that an important new scripture, the Book of Mormon, was delivered to him by the resurrected Moroni in 1827. The Book of Mormon, written between the time of the Babylonian Exile and the early years of Christianity and translated into King James style English, tells of a group of Jews who sailed to the Americas and continued to worship God in the New World, all told from a surprisingly nineteenth century perspective.

The Mormon Articles of Faith open with the belief in God, the Eternal Father, His Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. But God the Father is not the Hebrew God. The Son is Jehovah, God of Israel. In his King Follett Sermon of 1844, Joseph Smith revealed that God is an evolving being who had organised pre-existing matter and helped pre-existing intelligences on their path to becoming gods. God the Eternal Father is an exalted man and was once as we are now. An unanswered question is how God could have evolved from man. All this is very different from Catholicism.

Mormons believe in "baptism of the dead", allowing the departed to become Mormons, presumably regardless of their wishes in life. Douglas J. Davies (An Introduction to Mormonism) says the LDS Church can almost be considered as two churches in one, reflected by the distinct chapel and temple architectures and rites. This is significant, because new converts can readily be integrated into a familiar chapel community. If and when such converts are solidly made and soundly retained, they can be introduced to what is almost a second level of LDS life.

Answerextracted from the Website: All About Cults: What Mormons believe (link below)

The Mormons believe the Joseph Smith was a prophet who "found" the book of Mormon in the nineteenth century, I believe, and that this is an equal revelation from God as the Bible. Catholics believe that revelation ended with the death of the last Apostle. Mormonism is not considered a Christian faith, nor even a protestant faith (a Christian faith that denies the Catholic Church as the Body of Christ). And as it believes in later revelations, it must be considered one of those that Our Blessed Lord warned against.

The Mormons believe that God acquired the position as Supreme Being over a long period of time, God the Father has a fleshly body and has lived a perfect and righteous life. Catholics believe that God is perfect: He does not change, He just IS, He doesn't exist, He is existence - everything in the world depends upon Him.

The Mormons believe that men can become gods just like God. If a person lives a satisfactory life he has the potential to become a god in the afterlife and start his own world producing his own spirit children to populate it.

The Mormons view Jesus and Satan as spirit brothers and sons of God. God put forth his plan for the salvation of the world, and Satan proposed his own plan. Jesus accepted the Father's plan and He chose Jesus to implement it.

The Church believes that Jesus is God, the Second Person of the Divine Trinity, and has always existed.

Finally, the Mormons believe that Jesus will establish a new kingdom that has three levels: the celestial kingdom, the terrestrial kingdom and the telestial kingdom. The Church believes that there are only two possible fates after death: heaven or hell and that both are final: physically and spiritually.

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14y ago

There are many similiarities and many differences between what Catholics belive and what members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" Church) believe.

Both churches believe they are the original Christian Church set up by Jesus Christ while he was on the earth. Catholics believe they retained that true church since the time of it's founding, and Mormons believe that the truth was lost a few centuries after the crucifixion and was restored to the earth by Jesus Christ to Joseph Smith.

Both churches have a detailed and organized priesthood-based heirarchial system. The Catholics have the Pope as their head leader, and the Mormons have a Prophet President.

Both churches believe that baptism is required for salvation. Catholics baptize babies, while Mormons believe that children are innocent until age 8.

Both churches believe that The Bible is the Word of God. Catholics also add the Apocryphal books, and Mormons add the Book of Mormon. Occassionally the Apocrypha will be quoted in a Mormon sermon, but the Apopcrypha is not considered a cannonized scripture.

Both churches use a lot of details and symbolism in their worship and priesthood ordinances. What the symbolism is and how it is interpreted differs.

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13y ago

Some of the beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) are similar, such as their belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior of the mankind, Baptism is required for salvation, women cannot be in the priesthood, and that the Bible is the word of God.

However, the churches are NOT the same and have many beliefs that are very different from one another. For example, Catholics believe in the Trinity and Nicene Creed, Mormons do not. Catholics have nuns and saints, Mormons do not. Mormons have scripture in addition to the Bible, Catholics do not. Mormons believe in modern prophets, Catholics do not.

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6y ago

There are many similarities and differences between the theology and practices of Mormons and Catholics. Lets start with differences:
-First and foremost, the foundation of the Catholic church is the belief that their church and priesthood authority has continued since the New Testament times. Mormons believe that the authority and doctrine of the New Testament church was lost or became corrupted and that it was restored to the earth by Jesus Christ to Joseph Smith in the early 1800s.

-Catholics believe in the Trinity (the idea that there is one God in three consubstantial persons) and adhere to the various creeds which attempted to define theology and doctrine, such as the Apostles Creed, Nicene Creed, etc. Mormons believe that the creeds contributed to corrupting the theology taught by the Bible and do not adhere to them or believe in the Trinity as the creeds defined it. Mormons instead believe in the Godhead - which says that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three individual beings united in purpose but not in substance. The Father and Son have resurrected and deified bodies (i.e. they look human) but the Holy Spirit does not have a body.

-Catholics use the Bible and some books the Protestant world regards as Aprocrphyal (such as Tobit and Maccabees) as scripture, and have a closed canon (meaning that no additional scripture can be added). Mormons use the Protestant Bible, the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price as scripture and have an open canon (meaning that church leaders can add additional scripture). Mormons are encouraged to study apocryphal books (which are not canonized) with the aid of the Holy Spirit, as Joseph Smith taught that it contained both truth and incorrect teachings.

-Mormons believe that couples and families can be "sealed" in a special ceremony which will allow their relationship to continue in the afterlife. Catholics have no such concept.

Since both churches strive to adhere to the New Testament model of Christianity, they have many similarities, although there are differences within those similar teachings and practices. For example:

-Both churches believe in the necessity of baptism, but Catholics believe that babies must be baptized and will perform baptisms by pouring. Mormons believe in the baptism of the believer - meaning that the candidate must be able to comprehend the meaning of baptism and make that decision themselves. So Mormons only baptize those who are age 8 or older, and will only baptize by immersion.

-Both churches have a similar administrative organization called the priesthood, which is open to men only. The Catholic church has a Pope at the top, whom it is believed speaks the will of God for the church, cardinals assist the pope and serve as international leaders and leaders of large regions. Bishops and Priests run dioceses (collections of congregations in a region) and parishes (local congregations). These leaders serve for life and dedicate their lives to the church (they are unmarried and do not have outside employment). They are often identified by the robes or special clothing they wear. The Mormons have the Prophet/President at the top, who speaks the will of God for the Church. He is assisted by two counselors and twelve Apostles, who oversee the church as a whole. International leaders (usually assigned to a large region or entire continent) are called Seventies. Stakes (similar to a diocese, a collection of regional congregations) are overseen by Stake Presidents and wards (congregations) are overseen by Bishops. These men are mostly lay (untrained and unpaid) leaders who will serve temporarily, with families and outside careers. The exceptions are the Apostles and some Seventies, who are financially supported by the church, do not have outside employment, and will serve for life. The Mormon church does not have ecclesiastical robes to distinguish it's leadership, they usually just dress in business/professional clothing like suits and ties.

-Both have a concept of consecrating one's life to God, although in different ways. Catholics may choose to consecrate their lives to God by becoming a nun, monk, or entering the priesthood. They will remain unmarried and can choose a vocation such as humanitarian service or prayer. This is expected to be a lifelong commitment which will prevent them from marriage or outside employment. Mormons may consecrate their lives to God in a few different ways. Many adult Mormons choose to participate in a sacred temple ceremony called the "endowment", which might be compared to a second baptism. Here they make commitments to consecrate their lives to God and don religious robes (worn only during the ceremony) to indicate that commitment. After making these covenants of consecration, they wear a sacred undergarment that might be compared to a more comfortable version of an old fashioned "hairshirt" worn by monks and nuns, to remind them of that commitment. This consecration, while still considered dedicating one's life to the church, still requires the individual to live in the outside world, maintaining employment and family life. Mormons may make a further commitment to consecration and essentially become a temporary monk or nun by being a missionary. Missionaries are expected to leave employment, education, and family for a period of 18 months to 3 years, and devote all their time to preaching or humanitarian service.

Of course this is just a small sampling, books could be written comparing and contrasting the two faiths.

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