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Q: What is the name of the disease where people usually starve themselves to death?
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People suffering from what will starve themselves?

people suffering from what will atrave themselves and what excessively to stay thin

How long have people been trying to starve themselves?

7 days

Is it true that people can starve to death or does some disease cause the death?

Yes- a person can starve to death (millions of people die of starvation every year) Disease also causes millions of deaths each year...

How do most people start their diets?

starve themselves dont shovel in that food

How does drought become famine?

famine becomes drought because after the drought people start to get hungry and starve themselves and sometimes they starve to death.

What is dissues is it when you don't eat?

People who don't eat / starve themselves often suffer from a disorder known as Anorexia.

Can someone lose 1 pound every day for 40 days?

Probably if they are really overweight, or if they starve themselves. Not usually a good idea.

How do you treat yourself if your an anerexic?

Being anorexic myself, i can answer this question. All anorexics treat themselves differently they punish themselves and starve there self. Some anerexic people may harm themselves.

Do anorexic people try to lose weight by excercising?

Yes, they do. They excercise exessively as well as starve themselves, but not in all cases.

You want to starve myself because all your friends are doing it should you?

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO People who do this is because they have anorexia a disease in which a girl/guy starves themselves to get skinny, from lack of nutrients you can be hospitalized and even DIE. X| just because your friends are doing it dosent mean you have to

What is the difference between a blonde and a refrigerator?

Refrigerators stuff themselves while blondes starve themselves!!

WHY DO Old people starving themselves to death?

wierd question, but i can answer it, you see, some people (mostly old people) get so sick of being ill, they cant take it any more and decide, stupid as it sounds, to starve themselves to death