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A Glycosidic bond is formed by a Condensation Reaction

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Q: What is the name of the reaction in which two hexose sugars combine to form a disaccharide?
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What is the name given to the chemical reaction in which two or more hexose sugars combine to form larger units?

The chemical reaction in which two or more hexose sugars combine to form larger units is known as a condensation reaction or glycosidic linkage formation. This process involves the removal of a water molecule to join the hexose molecules together.

What is it called when two sugar molecules bond with each other?

Glucose and fructose chemically combine to form the disaccharide sucrose.

Double sugar formed from the combination of two simple sugars?

A disaccharide is formed when two simple sugars combine through a condensation reaction, resulting in the formation of a glycosidic linkage. Examples of disaccharides include sucrose (glucose + fructose), lactose (glucose + galactose), and maltose (glucose + glucose).

What is a monomer for disaccharide?

The monomers for disaccharides are monosaccharides, which are simple sugars such as glucose, fructose, and galactose. When two monosaccharides bond together through a condensation reaction, they form a disaccharide.

What is the chemical formula for disaccharides?

A disaccharide's chemical formula depends on the disaccharide. DIsaccharides are merely molecules that have two sugar molecules covalently linked. They can be formed from nearly any permutation of sugar molecules. C6H12O6 is the formula for monosaccharide. C12H22O11 is the formula for disaccharide.

A double sugar is formed from two simple sugars that lose a molecule of H2O this process is known as?

The process is known as dehydration synthesis, where two monosaccharides combine to form a disaccharide by losing a water molecule. This reaction joins the two sugars together through a covalent bond.

What does monosachharide disaccharide and oligosaccharide have in comain?

Monosaccharide = one sugar. Disaccharide = two sugars. Oligosaccharide = short chain of sugars. All are sugars, in chains or otherwise.

What is the difference between a hexose and a pentose?

The main difference between a hexose and a pentose is the number of carbon atoms in their backbone structure. Hexoses have six carbon atoms, while pentoses have five carbon atoms. Both hexoses and pentoses are common monosaccharides found in nature.

What are the disaccharide sugars that are present in the diet?

The disaccharide sugars present in the diet are maltose (a product of the digestion of starch), sucrose (table sugar), and lactose (the sugar in milk).

What is another word for two sugars?

i guess it is disaccharide

What is another word for sugars?

i guess it is disaccharide

What disaccharide does the digestive enzyme amylase break down starch to?

Amylase helps the break down of starch into sugars (disaccharides). Amylase itself is not broken down. It is an enzyme and it doesn't enter into the reaction in any way. The disaccharide that is formed is sucrose, maltose or lactose.