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A popping sensation in your thighs when walking could be your muscles stretching. Some leg exercises should help relieve this pain.

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Q: What is the popping sensation in thighs after walking?
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Can you tone your bum and thighs just from walking on a treadmill?

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How can you get rid of fat in the thighs?

Walking, jogging, running, cycling, swimming

How do you get slim thighs by walking?

Walking at a normal pace doesn't focus primarily on your thighs. The best way to tone your thighs... Lunges and Squats. Jogging or walking will improve the overall tone and shape of your legs but won't help to shed weight or improve muscle to the extent that other sports will. The ultimate body shaping sport(for women) is Aerobics, so try a Step Class or a TTT (Tummy Tail and Thighs) class. Hope this helps.

Is walking good for building muscle?

yes it helps your thighs and its good for your heart :)

When riding in an airplane there is often the sensation of popping in the ears What might causes this sensation?

It caused by change in pressure. When internal air pressure is higher than of surrounding it causes your ears to pop.

How do you lose weight in your thighs?

Doing various types of squats, walking, and riding a bike

What are good exercises for the thighs?

Walking Jogging Stretching **** 100% works! Climbing Stairs

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How do you have slim thighs?

walking is great and also try treadmills do alot of running and leg lifts.

What could cause a popping sensation in your legs and backside after walking on a treadmill.?

That popping feeling is called Fasciculation. When you work your muscles they contract and the blood vessels dilate. When you are done exercising and your body is returning to a normal state the twitching can occur. It should go away shortly after you finish your workout. This is normal after a good walk or jog..and usually sitting to rest. The feeling results in a "popcorn" feeling at the skins surface.

Can a tornado suffocate you when you are in it?

No. Thre pressure drop in a tornado is not the great. You may get and uncomfortable "ears popping" sensation but not much more than that.