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The Quartering Act of 2 June 1774, one of the Coercion Acts, was passed in Parliament after the Boston tea party in 1773. The Quartering Act provided that local authorities must provide quarters for British troops. If they failed to do so, the governor might compel the use of occupied buildings. Though two previous quartering acts had passed in the 1760s, this third act engendered greater opposition as tensions mounted between Parlaiment and Boston Whigs. The Boston patriots refused to repair the empty buildings that Gen. Thomas Gage had procured for quarters and thus forced the British troops to remain camped on the Boston Common until November 1774.

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Q: What is the quartering act and why is it so important to be the third amendment?
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What amendment overturned the Quartering Act?


What British action convinced Americans that the Third Amendment was necessary?

the quartering act

What amendment is a direct result of the actions that came from the resuts of the Quartering Act prior to the Revolutionary War?

The Constitutional Amendment that resulted from the Quartering Act is the Third: "No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law."

How was the Quartering Act connected to th Bill of Rights?

The Quartering Act was passed by the British parliament to force British troops into American homes. This inspired the third amendment of the Bill of Rights which forbids government from forcing Americans to house soldiers.

What laws said the colonists could be forced to provide lodging for the british solders sent to watch them?

It was the Quartering Act of 1765. The involuntary quartering of soldiers was very unpopular, and led to the Third Amendment to the US Constitution.

What was the amendment that was added due to the quartering act prior to the American revolution?

it could eat candy

What practice led to the inclusion of the third amendment in the bill of right?

The third amendment is the right not to quarter troops in your home. This is based upon the Quartering Act passed by the British before the Revolution, which greatly angered colonists. So they wanted to make sure people wouldn't ever have to do that again.

What is an example of the 3rd amendment?

you don't need to let soldiers sleep and eat in your House. (quartering act)

What came first he townshend act or quartering act?

The Quartering Act was passed in 1765. The Townshend Acts were passed in 1767. What may be confusing is that the Quartering Act was modified in 1774 in response to the Boston Tea Party. This amendment is considered one of the four "Intolerable Acts", which were protested by the Colonists before the Revolutionary War began.

Was the navigation act after the quartering act?

no the navigation act was before the quartering act

Is the quartering act still in affect today?

yes, at least in the united states, it is. The 3rd amendment from 1791 banned it.

What colonial grievance led to the 3rd amendment?

The British Parliament(1774) passes an act that force American colonists to house British troop in their home. So the Third Amendment now protects us from that happening to us.