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I feel

You can create a plasma reactor with a complete removal of fission systems.

Of course, my theory is not yet complete. But it is doable.

I am a student of physics, Iran University Yasouj.

My email address meiad1371 @ Yahoo. Com

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Q: What is the relationship between plasma and nuclear fission?
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What type of power does nuclear fission have?

Fusion power is the power generated by the nuclear fusion processes. Fusion power is a primary area of researc in plasma physics. For example, the sun is a natural fusion reactor.

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There is an interesting relationship between plasma and whole blood. Whole blood contains plasma but plasma does not contain whole blood.

Nuclear energy is an alternate energy source produced from atomic reactions?

There are two: Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion. Fission is when a neutron is fired at an element with a high atomic number (usually Uranium) which then splits, releasing energy and more neutrons. this produces a chain reaction, which continues until all nuclei have been split. Fusion occurs in stars and a few experimental reactors, and happens when two forms of Hydrogen nuclei (Deuterium and Tritium) fuse into an unstable nucleus, which in turn splits again into Helium and a spare neutron. Fission can start at any temperature, but Fusion only when Hydrogen is in a plasma state.

Is nuclear fusion used to make nuclear bombs?

Nuclear weapons developed by the Manhattan project for the Allies were Fission weapons called Atomic bombs. Large scale Fusion weapons developed by Hungarian Edward Teller in USA after WW2 were called Hydrogen Bombs. However during 1942 the Nazis developed a hybrid fusion boosted fission weapon, in which hollow charge explosives were used to cause a plasma pinch, a kind of flash of neutrons to ignite a Fission explosion.

How does nuclear fission related from nuclear fusion?

Nuclear fusion:Two or more atomic nuclei join together to form a single nucleus.Energy is released.Nuclear fission:One atomic nucleus splits into two or more separate nuclei, plus other fragments.Energy is released.

Is plasma membrane different from nuclear membrane?

yes plasma m is trilamillar

Which of of this is not part of the process of binary fission?

Duplicated chromosomes attach to the plasma membrane.

When the components of a nuclear explosive are doing their most interesting things what physical state are those components in?

In my opinion, the components are doing the most interesting things when they are in the midst of fission and fusion. At the temperatures for those activities, the components are in a plasma state.

Does Atomic fission requires temperatures of one million degrees or hotter?

No, in fact nuclear fission of U-235 proceeds quite well at temperatures of 300-400 degC, and slow or thermalised neutrons are captured more readily than fast neutrons, so having a relatively cool moderator helps. The fuel used is solid uranium dioxide which must not approach its melting point. You are probably thinking of nuclear fusion, where a gaseous plasma is used, and experiments in tokamaks have to get this plasma up to hundreds of millions of degrees for fusion to take place.