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Q: What is the separation of powers under the United states constitution?
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Briefly explain the separation of powers established by the constitution?

Separation of powers as defined in the Constitution of the United States has to do with the power the government has over the states. It also provides for states to govern themselves by the rules of the Constitution.

Who did the separation of powers?

The separation of powers in the United States among the executive, legislative and judicial powers is set forth in the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution was created as a joint effort by the Constitutional Convention.

What document is considered the supreme law of the U.S and creates the separation of powers?

The U.S Constitution is the supreme law of the United States and organizes the United States government, giving all three branches certain responsibilities (hence separation of powers).

What is the expressed powers clause?

The expressed powers clause is the tenth amendment of the United States Constitution. "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

What constitutional principle divides the federal government into three branches?

The principle illustrated here is the separation of power that provides checks and balances for each different branch of government. The President cannot act without approval of the senate, and the senate cannot pass laws that are unconstitutional.

What does the definition of the tenth amendment of the Constitution mean?

the answer is the powers not delegated to the united states by the constitution nor prohibited by the united states are reserved to the states respectfully, or to the people.

Where are the delegated powers found?

Delegated powers are found in the United States Constitution. These powers are specifically granted to the federal government, such as the power to regulate interstate commerce, declare war, and coin money.

The constitution does not require that states follow the same principle of separation of powers that the national government does?


How In the US what document specifies which powers belong to the central government and which go to the states?


Why dont states have many powers spelled out in the constitution?

The United States Constitution is a guideline for our national government. It estabishes the powers and limits of the three branches of government. All the states in the United States create their own constitution to fit their situation, location, etc. The 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution reserves those powers that are not delegated to the US government by the Constitution, nor prohibied by it, to the states themselves, and to the people living in those states.

In the United States, what document specifies which powers belong to the central government and which go to the states?


What is the United State Constitution?
