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Q: What is the total mass of 0.75 mol of SO2?
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Which is the greatest mass of SO2 that can produced from 15.0 mol Cu2S?

To find the maximum mass of SO2 produced from 15.0 mol of Cu2S, first determine the molar ratio between Cu2S and SO2. The balanced chemical equation shows that 4 mol of SO2 is produced for every 1 mol of Cu2S consumed. Thus, you would produce 60.0 mol of SO2 from 15.0 mol of Cu2S. Finally, convert the moles of SO2 to grams using the molar mass of SO2 to find the mass.

What is the percentage mass of O in SO2?

Oxygen is 49.95% of the mass of SO2. The molecular weight is 48.06 g/mol and sulfur's molecular weight is 32.06 g/mol, so oxgyen must make up the other half of the compounds molecular weight.

What is the total number of molecules of SO2 in a 0.10 mole sample of So2?

There are 6.022 x 10^22 molecules in one mole of any substance. Therefore, in a 0.10 mole sample of SO2, there would be 0.10 x 6.022 x 10^22 = 6.022 x 10^21 molecules of SO2.

How many SO2 molecules are in 1.75 mol of SO2?

There are approximately 1.057 x 10^24 SO2 molecules in 1.75 mol of SO2. This is calculated by multiplying Avogadro's number (6.022 x 10^23 molecules/mol) by the number of moles provided.

What is molecular weight of so2?

The molecular weight of SO2 (sulfur dioxide) is approximately 64.06 g/mol.

How many grams of NaCl would you have if you had 3.7 moles of NaCl?

Molar mass of Na = 22.9898g/mol Molar mass of Cl = 35.45g/mol Total molar mass = 58.4398g/mol 58.4398g * 3.7mol =216.22726g

The number of grams in 2.65 mol of So2 is 2.65?

2.65moles * 64.1g = 169.6

Which of the following reactions shows that the formation of SO2 releases 296.8 kJ mol?

S(s) + O2(g) SO2(g) + 296.8 kJ

How many O atoms in 1.25 mol of SO2?

There are 4 oxygen atoms in 1 molecule of SO2. Therefore, in 1.25 mol of SO2, there would be 5 moles of oxygen atoms (4 * 1.25 = 5). Using Avogadro's number, we can determine that there are 3.01 x 10^24 oxygen atoms in 1.25 mol of SO2.

What is the mass of 0.7891 mol of ferric oxide (Fe2O3)?

Atomic Mass of Fe: 55.8g/mol Atomic mass of O: 16g/mol Molecular mass of Fe2O3: 2(55.8)+3(16) = 159.6g/mol mass = Molecular mass x number of moles mass = 159.6g/mol x 0.7891mol = 125.94g

What is the mass of 0.7891 mol of ferric oxide?

Atomic Mass of Fe: 55.8g/mol Atomic mass of O: 16g/mol Molecular mass of Fe2O3: 2(55.8)+3(16) = 159.6g/mol mass = Molecular mass x number of moles mass = 159.6g/mol x 0.7891mol = 125.94g

What is the percent of carbon by mass in C4H10O?

To find the mass of carbon as a percent of the molecule, you have to first know the mass of the whole molecule. This can be done with the atomic weights of the elements and multiplying them by the number of atoms in a single molecule of hexachlorophene (the given compound).Carbon: 12.0 g/mol × 13 = 156Hydrogen: 1.0 g/mol × 6 = 6.0Chlorine: 35.5 g/mol × 6 = 213Oxygen: 16.0 g/mol × 2 = 32.0C13H6Cl6O2 = 407 g/mol(Mass of carbon ÷ total mass) × 100 = % carbon by mass(156 ÷ 407) × 100 = 38.3% carbon