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(300,000,000 meters per second) / (750,000 waves per second) = 400 meters per wave

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Wavelength = speed/frequency = 299,792,458/760,000 = 394.464 meters

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366 meters

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Q: What is the wavelength of a radio photon from an AM radio station that broadcasts at 760 kilohertz?
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What is the wavelength of a radio photon from an A.M. radio station that broadcasts at 1360 kilohertz?

680 KHz: λ (wavelength) = about 0.2739 miles and photon energy is 2.8122488E-09 electron volts.

What is the wavelength of a radio photon from an AM radio station that broadcasts at 820?

Wavelength = (speed) divided by (frequency) =300,000,000 meters per second / 820,000 = 365.6 meters (rounded)-- 1,199.5 feet (rounded)-- 0.227 mile (rounded)

What is the energy of a radio photon in units of joules from an FM radio station that broadcasts at 90.3 megahertz?

372.48 nano joule

How do you find the energy of a photon?

The energy of a photon can be calculated using the formula E=hf, where E is energy, h is Planck's constant (6.63 x 10^-34 J.s), and f is the frequency of the photon. Alternatively, you can use the formula E=hc/λ, where c is the speed of light (3.00 x 10^8 m/s) and λ is the wavelength of the photon.

What determines which photon an atom can absorb or emit?

An atom can absorb or emit photons based on its energy levels and electronic structure. When a photon energy matches the energy difference between two energy levels in the atom, it can be absorbed or emitted. This is governed by the quantized nature of energy levels in atoms.

Which is more energetic a red photon or a blue photon?

The energy of a photon is inversely propotional to its wavelength. The wavelength of a blue photon is less than that of a red photon. That makes the blue photon more energetic. Or how about this? The energy of a photon is directly proportional to its frequency. The frequency of a blue photon is greater than that of a red photon. That makes the blue photon more energetic. The wavelength of a photon is inversely proportional to its frequency. The the longer the wavelength, the lower the frequency. The shorter the wavelength, the higher the frequency.

What is the wavelength of a photon whose energy is twice that of a photon with a 580 nm wavelength?

Since the energy of a photon is inversely proportional to its wavelength, for a photon with double the energy of a 580 nm photon, its wavelength would be half that of the 580 nm photon. Therefore, the wavelength of the photon with twice the energy would be 290 nm.

If the wavelength of a radio photon from an AM radio station is 220 m what is its energy?

You can use the formula: E = hc / lambda Where: "h" is Planck's constant; "c" is the speed of light; "lambda" is the wavelength.

How do you calculate photon wavelength with only the energy of the photons?

Photon Energy E=hf = hc/w thus wavelength w= hc/E or the wavelength is hc divided by the energy of the photon or w= .2 e-24 Joule meter/Photon Energy.

What is the wavelength of a photon that has three times as much energy as that of a photon whose wavelength is 779 nm?

Photon energy is proportional to frequency ==> inversely proportional to wavelength.3 times the energy ==> 1/3 times the wavelength = 779/3 = 2592/3 nm

The measure of a photon's energy?

The energy of a photon is determined by its frequency or wavelength, following the equation E = hf, where E is energy, h is Planck's constant, and f is frequency. Photons with higher frequencies have more energy.

What is the longest wavelength photon?

There is no longest wavelength for photons. It can be arbitrarily long.