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IDK, why dont you just check Google. Google is way better than this piece of crap...well, its not really a piece of crap but a lot of people always answer mean things. in stead of answering the question the way its supposed ot be answered, people are always writing just dumb stuff!

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Go on my blog. i'll show you the answer there!

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A stable one.

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Q: What kind of government did the founding fathers want?
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Why did our founding fathers use a representative government?

They didn't want a king, but to have a government where people decide who is to represent them.

Why were the Founding Fathers so frightened of a strong federal government?

Because they did not want to repeat the mistakes of the British.

Why were the civil liberties important to the founding fathers?

The founding fathers of the USA believed that individuals were born free, and that freedom was a gift from God. They did not want a overly strong central government to have the ability to negate the civil liberties of its citizens. With that said, the US republic was so devised and was ruled by a fair central government as described in its founding document, the US Constitution.

The founding fathers did not want the constitution to be amended?

False, the founding fathers provided for an unseen future they could not predict by allowing the constitution to be amended in specific circumstances.

What did the framers want to establish at the constitutional convention?

What were the guidelines that were established by the founding fathers at the Constitutional Convention?

What did the founding fathers want for all citizens?

Life, liberty, and happiness.

Why did the founding fathers want a flag in the US?

Every country has a flag.

Why did the founding Fathers include search and seizure in the bill or rights?

The founding fathers thought search warrants were important because King George's men could enter a house and conduct a search at will and States didn't want the new Federal Government to be allowed to do it without approval of a judge.

Why were some of the founding fathers afraid to set up a national government?

Since the British had lived under the British for so long and the British were so cruel to them, most people distrusted a strong central government and that is why they did not want a national government.

Why did the founding fathers establish the way of life in the US?

America's founding fathers wanted a country that was prosperous, safe, and free. They did not want a king or emperor. They wanted (most of them, anyway) freedom from a government-sponsored religion as England and France had at that time. They wanted a system where the common people had some ability to say and do and live as they wanted.

Why is the capitol building made?

The founding fathers did not want the capital building to be overshadow by another building .

Why did the founding fathers want people to be judged by a jury of peers rather than the government?

It was the Founding Father's desire to have a government that was limited in power. If the government was able to judge the people, then the government would have a unchecked power. The government would be able to condemn, or aquit, anyone, regardless of whether it was right or not. The Founding Father's probably thought that a group of men, judging an individual, would hold each other acountable more so than the government alone, as the government by itself could be biased.