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Mint tea is considered to be helpful for some. Personally, I don't like "Peppermint" tea, but "Plantation Mint" seems to settle my stomach when MY reflux starts to flare up. There is no way to know how it will affect you so all you can do is give it a try. Good luck.

AnswerThe gastro-esophageal sphincter, is the muscle that encircles the junction between the esophagus and the stomach. This muscle keeps this area closed so that stomach acid will not "reflux" into your esophagus and irritate the lining of the esopagus. Nicotine (tobacco) relaxes this muscle and allows the reflux of acid into the esophagus. Obesity also contributes to acid reflux,as does eating a large meal and then lying down. Some people who have symptoms at night will benefit from elevating the head of their bed 4-6 inches, this can be done be putting concrete blocks under the legs at the head of the bed. Caffiene and alcohol are also contributory factors and should be eliminated or reduced. Yhe citric acid in fruit juice and Tomato Juice can also aggrevate this condition. AnswerThe above poster gave you a good description of what causes acid reflux. There are medications for this, but by prescription only. With a good diet you can over come this (I did.)

Stay away from acidic foods or juices. Orange Juice, Pineapple Juice, Apple Juice. The ones you could have are white grape juice, strawberry juice, raspberry (dilute it with a little cold water.) Stay away from fats and spicy foods and don't eat after 8 PM. It is true that by propping your head up on a pillow or two when going to bed for the night will help. Japanese green tea (only two or three cups per day) is good for the stomach and shouldn't react on you like the regular tea does. Drink lots of water!!!! If you are out at guests and there is some spicy foods and you feel you have to eat it, take a full glass of water first, then have water with your meal and then drink another full glass of water after your meal. This dilutes stomach acids.

Stay away from smoking, alcohol (even wine).

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