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low self asteem. lack of confidence in one self. been put down or rejected one too many times. this is only my opinion. Answer: I'm a man who doesn't have a woman. I feel undeserving of any desirable woman because I'm unemployed, and because I've been stalked by terrorist, murderous, gangsters, since 1980. They've rammed my car from behind, from the side, sabotaged it in my driveway. I believe they murdered my mother and probably some of my neighbours. I'm frightened and embarassed that I'm such a loser/victim. I'm a Canadian resident. I doubt if any woman I'd want, would want to date me. I think Canada is an unofficial communist-nazi country. If I ever get another job and a car, what woman would want to be in a car with me, knowing that stalker/terrorist/murderers can legally, anytime, just drive up and ram the back or side of my car, and it'll be written up simply as "unsafe lane change", and not the truth, of stalking, terrorism, or attempted murder? So I don't bother wasting my time trying to date women. I just hope Canada self-destructs real soon. Anybody who thinks Canada is the best country to live in, is either a liar or a fool. An attractive woman at a bar offered me her phone number, but I said no. I lied to her when I said I'm employed in a factory. I'm unemployed. I didn't want to mislead her further. I imagine my situation is similar to a woman who's stalked by an obsessed, jealous ex-husband or ex-boyfriend who threatens to injure or kill her or any guy she dates or marries. Except my stalkers are secretive, wanting to be unidentified, thereby framing me for paranoid-schizophrenia at the same time.

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Q: What makes a guy feel like he is undeserving or not good enough for his woman?
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