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Q: What muscles help you move your lower arm?
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Can you move your lower arm up and down?

Yes. lol If you have an elbow or your arm isn't broken you can move it!

When you move the muscles of your lower arm which muscles of your body contract and relax?

biceps and triceps respectively

Does the lower arm bone helps us move or protect your organs?

The function of many bones is to move things especailly in the limbs wiith the help of muscles.

Why are there upper and lower bands of muscles in the upper arm and lower arm in a chicken wing?

Because the chicken wing needs very many muscles to move its wing. The muscles work together when the bird is in flight to move the wing up and down.

What is the purpose of the lower arm muscles?

You have no muscles in your fingers only tendons. The muscles in your lower arm control your hand movements and grip strength

How muscles move in lower and upper arm grade 8 explanation please?

you move your arm and creates leverage and it moves. kay nerds you move your arm and creates leverage and it moves. kay nerds

How do you move your arm?

With muscles!

What causes your arm to move?

the muscles

What happens when you move your arms but the muscle doesn't move?

Basically, All the muscles in your entire body can move.There's muscles that you can move on your own, and there's muscles that you can't.Nevertheless, these muscles that you can't move, move by itself.These muscles are called "The cardiac and smooth muscles.".Muscles that you are able to move on your own are "Skeletal muscles.".- Christofer Placencio, 01/31/13.

How does alligator move?

they move using there powerful leg and arm muscles

What does it mean when right arm moves without thought?

It means that you naturally move your arm with out thinking that your going to move it. There are two types of muscles; voluntary muscles and involuntary muscles. Voluntary muscles are muscles that you think about to move sometimes and involuntary muscles are muscles that you don't think about moving. An example of an involuntary muscle would be your heart and an example of a voluntary muscle would be your arm even though you don't really have to think about it when you move it.

How do your arm muscles work to lift a mug of coffee to your lips?

Your arm muscles work by contracting and releasing to lift a mug of coffee to your lips. The muscles flex and contract to move your arm.