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Q: What nation ceased to exist after is was divided between Germany and Soviet Union?
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What nation ceased to exist after it was divided between Germany and the soviet union?


This nation ceased to exist after it was divided between Germany and the soviet union?


What nation ceased to exist after it was divided between Germany and soviet union?

Hitler and Stallin agreed to split Poland in half, but then Hitler re-nagged on the deal and took the whole thing anyways. He didn't rename it though, so technically it still existed under Nazi control. It's also where he put many of the death camps for plausible deniability purposes.

GDR Satellite nation of US?

The German Democratic Republic (GDR), which was also called East Germany. was a satellite of the Soviet Union. The GDR ceased to exist when Germany was reunified in 1990. For a long time the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) - West Germany was politically very close to the U.S.

Who is the Premier of Soviet Union for 2008?

The USSR ceased to exist in 1991.

Last leader of the Soviet Union?

The Soviet Union does not have a leader as it ceased to exist in 1991.

What are the similarities of everyday life in east and west Berlin?

Berlin (and Germany itself) has not been politically divided into "east and west" for nearly 20 years. "East Germany" ceased to exist in 1990. Since then, all of Germany has been under one government.

What did Germany West and East have to pay after World War 2 and what is taken from Germany as punishment after World War 2 and who and how much are they still paying today?

Germany had to pay some reparations after World War 2, but not on anything like the scale of those set after World War 1. As a result of the Cold War (1948 onwards), the Western Zones ceased making any reparations to the Soviet Union, which was supposed to be the main beneficiary. Shortly afterwards Britain and France ceased dismantling factories. In effect, reparations from the Western Zones ceased around 1950. The Soviet Zone had to continue to pay reparations to the Soviet Union for a further 15 years or so. Note that on the contrary, the U.S. gave very substantial financial aid to West Germany. As for the more general question of 'punishment', Germany's reputation was in tatters. Also about 12 millions Germans were expelled from Eastern Europe and forcibly resettled.

Was it always the Soviet Union?

The Soviet Union only came in to existence after the Russian Revolution of 1917. It ceased to exist when the communist system collapsed in 1989.

Who created the Soviet Union. and in what year?

The Soviet Union came into being in 1917 as a result of the Russian Revolution. At least, that was when Russia ceased to be ruled by the Tsar.

What year did East Germany ceased too exist in?

1990. The two halves of Germany were reunited in that year.

The western border between the Soviet Union and Poland lies along approximately what line of longitude?

The Soviet Union ceased to exist 24 years ago, and there is no shared border between Russia and Poland. The border between Poland on the west, and Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania on the east, follows very roughly the line of 22 degrees east longitude.