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Q: What pathway for regenerating ATP is the most inefficient during 30 minutes of light to moderate exercise?
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Which pathway for regenerating ATP provides the majority of the energy used for muscle activity during 30 minutes of light to moderate exercise?

aerobic respiration

Should you exercise for 60 minutes or not?

moderate to vigorous

Definition of moderate exercise?

30 minutes a day for 3 days a week

How many minutes a day of moderate-intensity exercise are needed to maintain body weight per usda giudelines?

60 minutes

Your heart went to 200 after five minutes of moderate exercise should you be worried?

That may be a little high. The intensity of the exercise might not be moderate for you as an individual The best advice is to ask your personal physician or other professional health care provider.

What is the proper amount of exercise?

For most healthy adults, the Department of Health and Human Services recommends these exercise guidelines: Aerobic activity. Get at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes a week of vigorous aerobic activity.

Does 20-30 minutes of exercise a day give you strength?

More than 40 studies within the scientific literature document that cardiac risk could be reduced by 30 - 50% by regular, moderate exercise - exercise calculating far under 1 hour each day. If you're able to exercise at a moderate pace for twenty to thirty minutes a day for a minimum of 5 days per week, you might not reduce weight, but you'll be doing your heart a lot of good.

What exercise regimen is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention?

30 or more minutes a day of moderate-intensity activity for 5-7 days per week

What exercise program is recommended for all Americans over the age of two?

Engage in moderate physical activity for at least 30 minutes, at least several times a week.

Why is exercise important for reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis?

Aerobic exercise can lower blood pressure, help control weight, and increase HDL ("good") cholesterol. It may keep the blood vessels more flexible. Moderate to intense aerobic exercise lasting about 30 minutes

Is it unhealthy to sit down all day?

It is unhealthy to sit down all day because you need to be active to stay fit. Exercise is crucial in managing health. As little as 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day can help prevent health problems.

How do you start the slim in 6 program?

To start the Slim in 6 program you need to begin with the "Start It Up" level. This is a DVD that includes 30 minutes of moderate exercise to help you burn fat.