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Blackmail is a broad subject and there are many ways to blackmail somebody but as it is illegal to blackmail then it should be reported to the Police as a first option.

Blackmail means to extort something from another who is unwilling.

One example below:

(Teenagers/Children) For those of you that are being asked or forced into doing things you wouldn't normally do on the internet, social media or by text, for example; sending unclothed or indecent images of yourself and receiving some back. Stop and ignore all future messages from them and ignore any threats that they will expose your pictures to the World, your family or friends. These threats are false in the hope that you will continue to send more images or to try and extract money from you. Con people do this and they hope they can embarrass you so you don't stop doing it. They are men or women who are much older than you, they are liars and cheats as nothing they have told you is true and images they send you are not them.

These people do not hold any power over you in reality if you delete their messages without any reply. Just send the one final message saying you have contacted the Police about them, even if you don't.

You may be surprised that this type of con is very common and many teenagers fall for it. It happens more than you might think. What those people are doing is blackmail and illegal so if you ignore them they will go away. You must not reply to anything further from them no matter what they message you. Eventually they will get bored and go away. Change your contact details, your passwords, email address or anything they can contact you by if you need to and try not to fall for that type of con again.

Whatever it is that you did it doesn't matter, and I mean whatever. You will not be blamed or ridiculed for it if anyone found out. The law is on your side. It is those con people that will be prosecuted not you when they are caught. They will be doing it to many others at the same time so it would be good if you had the courage to report it.

Don't worry because you feel you have nobody to tell about this because you are embarrassed or scared you will be made a fool of or everyone will see what you did. It won't happen, the images would be kept very private, even from family. You can always approach the Police and they will help you. You are not to blame !

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11y ago

tell on the teacher just call the person for the money then u then call the police afterwards and then let them arrest him or her

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ummm. yes very much illegal.

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Contact the police. That's what David Letterman did.

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How do I blackmail someone if they are blackmailing you?

Blackmail is illegal and can have serious consequences. It is important to seek legal advice and report the blackmail to the authorities. Do not engage in further wrongdoing by attempting to blackmail the individual back.