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Of course you're going to feel guilt or remorse. That's because you have a history with this person and a conscious. But does not mean you should let your abusive partner move back in. It is unsafe for you and for him or her. The best thing for you to do is keep your abusive partner out of the house and slowly lose contact with him or her.

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Q: What should you do if you threw your abusive partner out of the house but you feel worse instead of better?
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Can you avoid doubting your partner?

No there will always be doubt but if you talk to your partner about the doubts then you will feel better and the doubt will not turn into mistrust. You should trust and be trusted.


It’s important you discuss these things with your partner as they would help give you and your partner a better understanding of what each of you want for the future.

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because why would you want to be with someone who is abusive towards you