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The Vietnamese were extremely resilient and without this they would of never survived. Look up Guerrilla warfare on Google, they would attack anonymously and run away in their 'black pyjamas' blending in with civilians. Their living conditions were cramped as they would live underground in the forests, building extraordinary small tunnels which they lived in creating complicated routes and often booby trapping a few dead ends in case the US Army tried to investigate. They would set traps in the forests, sharp wooden pikes hidden by leaves, use trip wires to trigger off explosives they had created etc, and would leave subtle symbols for their fellow team to acknowledge that there was a trap. Their main weapon was the AK47 as it was light and versatile, and can even be hidden underwater and still be fully functional. The Russians supplied these weapons to the north Vietnamese government and would be smuggled in over the border using the Ho Chi Minh Trail, which was a stream of complicated dusty roads, if one was bombed there would always be another route to take, and so on. Do not forget the importance of non censorship in American television, their news broadcasts had brutal images of children being scalded by napalm and so disgusted the American public, and made the people question why they were in this war, and fought to get their men back on US soil.

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Q: What type of war tactics did the Vietnamese use against the US?
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Who use civil disobedience and passive resistance as tactics against british rule?

Mahandas Gandhi

What disadvantages did the Vietcong have in the Vietnam War?

The Vietcong were a light infantry force, primarily used for guerrilla warfare. They had virtually no heavy equipment and no navy or air force. Like most guerrilla forces, they had virtually no training in infantry tactics, and poor leadership. They were used by the main North Vietnamese Army to harass the ARVN and US forces, and to conduct politically-oriented actions against South Vietnamese citizens. The Vietcong's primary value was to provide the illusion of a threat to the ARVN and US forces, and to be a large political lever to use against the South Vietnamese government.

What type of tactics did the u.s use in Vietnam to defeat the vietcong?

the U.S. did not defeat the Viet Cong.

Why tactics did the communist forces use against us troops in Vietnam?

throughout most of the war, they mainly employed guerilla tactics, however, in the push to saigon, conventional warfare was adopted as the main military strategy among the NVA, but the viet cong largely maintained their use of guerilla warfare

What tactics did the Vietminh use to fight?

They adapted their tactics to the situation, using ambush against French supply convoys on the roads. At the Battle of Dienbienphu their tactics were sustained artillery barrage followed by mass infantry attack to wear down the French; sacrificing Vietminh soldiers in order to gain ground, as they had more soldiers to sacrifice. Similar tactics were used earlier by the Japanese, Chinese, and Koreans.

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they launched multirole bombers more than enough to destroy the north vietnamese forces

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Mahandas Gandhi

What disadvantages did the Vietcong have in the Vietnam War?

The Vietcong were a light infantry force, primarily used for guerrilla warfare. They had virtually no heavy equipment and no navy or air force. Like most guerrilla forces, they had virtually no training in infantry tactics, and poor leadership. They were used by the main North Vietnamese Army to harass the ARVN and US forces, and to conduct politically-oriented actions against South Vietnamese citizens. The Vietcong's primary value was to provide the illusion of a threat to the ARVN and US forces, and to be a large political lever to use against the South Vietnamese government.

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Mobility, heavy weapons, terrain

Why do you use tactics?

Why do I use tactics? Well, because tactics are better than brute force.

What type of tactics did the u.s use in Vietnam to defeat the vietcong?

the U.S. did not defeat the Viet Cong.

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