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The 'Thirty Years War' in Europe began in 1618 and ended in 1648. The most significant results of the war include population decline in Europe due to disease and famine, religious reformation, an end of mercenaries and the emergence of national armies.

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he Thirty Years' War began in 1618 and ended in 1648. The political results actually defy a reliable summary other than that France would come to dominate Central European affairs for another 150 years.
The war ended major armed religious wars in Europe. With that said, the best summary of the war is best described in military terms. This type of summary is less emotional and more powerful in that the Continent would see future wars, and more horrible ones based on a military view.
What the war did was to create opportunities and solidify new tactical methods and Europe served as a theater for the exercise of a new linear system in warfare that would last well into the future of military theology.

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14y ago

Britain had taken over complete control of Canada from the French.

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Q: What was the result of the Thirty Years' War in Europe?
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