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Because Congress didn't pass it. But the sternly moralistic principles which it laid down became a rallying point for Abolitionists, and it exerted almost as much influence as though it had been a law.

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13y ago

Just learned about this! It's the document that banned any territory acquired by Mexico from the US to continue to hold slaves. I don't remember it being controversial, but I would guess it would be because only Mexico has the right to proclaim that they want slaves or not, kind of like Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation.

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Q: What was wilmot proviso and why was it never a law?
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What is a proposed law that prohibited slavery in any lands won from Mexico?

wilmot proviso

The enactment of the Wilmot Proviso?

It never became law and was intended to ban slavery.

What was the unstated goal of the Wilmot Proviso?

What was the unstated goal of the Wilmot Proviso?

How did southerners react to the wilmot proviso?

Southerners opposed the Wilmot Proviso. This is because the Wilmot Proviso established peace with Mexico, and the land that Mexico owned was in the South.

What fate did the Wilmot Proviso meet in Congress?

It failed to become law.

The proposal that Congress considered forbiding slavery in territory acquired through the Mexican-American War was called?

The Wilmot Proviso, named for Congressman David Wilmot of Pennsylvania, passed the House twice, but failed in the Senate. It also failed in the effort to be included in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

What best is the best description of the wilmot proviso?

Wilmot's Proviso brought the future of slavery to everyone.

What called for a ban on slavery in any territory that the United States acquired from the war with Mexico?

The Wilmot Proviso qualifies as such. It however, was one of the leading causes of the American Civil War (1861-1865)

Who proposed that slavery would not be allowed in the territories of Mexican Cession?

David Wilmot, a Democratic congressman from Pennsylvania, proposed the Wilmot Proviso in 1846, which sought to ban slavery in the territories acquired from Mexico as a result of the Mexican-American War. The proviso was never passed into law but fueled tensions over the expansion of slavery in the United States.

What plan specified that slavery should be prohibited in any lands that might acquired from Mexico?

The Wilmot Proviso (1846) prohibited slavery on any land acquired from Mexico.

Why did the South perceive the Wilmot Proviso as such a threat?

Because the Wilmot Proviso sought to halt the extension of slavery in the western territories

What was the name of the proposal david wilmot introduced in 1846?

The wilmot proviso