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Directly, they were fighting because it was their job to do what the British commanded them to. Ultimately, they were fighting for duty, honour, and loyalty. Hessians were professional soldiers who were often "rented" out to other armies by their rulers, a common practice in 18th century Europe. During the American War of Independence, George III, who had family ties to the Prince of Hess, borrowed and deployed entire regiments of Hessians. Some were volunteers, but many were conscripted, and a few Hessian states kept significant parts of the population under arms. Being a professional princely army, Hessians upheld a strong code of honour. They usually had nothing to gain from the conflict, but fought anyway because it was their duty as soldiers. They served out of a sense of loyalty to their princes and their States.

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Were mercenaries who fought for the British.?

The Hessians were German auxiliary soldiers who were hired by King George to fight the Patriots in the colonies. Although fighting under the their own flag, the Hessians were under the command of British officers. Approximately 30,000 of them fought in The War of Independence.

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Yes, a small number of Hessians aided the English forces at Culloden.

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