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Don't know that but do know this. Connect a water hose to your water heater drain valve tomorrow and water your grass or garden for 10 gallons worth.

My guess is that the pipes to this tub are black iron and are rusty on the inside. If this is not happening in any other part of your house then these pipes will need replacing.

Good answer. Draining the water heater also helps it last longer. Or, it can be also 45 year old galvanised pipes feeding the tub like are in my house. My Plumbing pipes are rusting internally. That one tub may not be used very often but it's supply line is rusting inside.

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Q: What would cause the hot water to be rusty and brown just in one bathtub?
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This is likely to be caused by the mobilisation of iron and manganese deposits from your local drinking water distribution system.

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i think cause the water sofftens the skin , so its eaiser to cut

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Yea, if the tub had any water in it.

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It depends on how big your bathtub is.

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Possibly your hot water tank is rusting out on the inside and will need replacement soon.