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AnswerIndustrialization had nothing to do with the Civil War. It was fought over slavery. The Southern states were beginning to secede (withdraw) from the union in order to maintain slavery for the plantations.

Not correct. The Republican Party gained power with the election of Lincoln. One plank of the Republicans was no new slave states. They supported the rights of slaveholders where slavery already existed. But no new slave states meant the balance of power in the federal government would soon shift to the North forever. Believing they would soon be at the mercy of Northern interest and their control of a strong central government run by Lincoln seven southern states seceded. When Lincoln called for an army to invade the south four more states seceded believing it was illegal for Lincoln to wage war against fellow Americans who wanted to leave the Union. Up to this point most Northerners believed this as well. The original states to threaten secession in American history were in New England.

The so called civil war was Lincoln's war waged against secession. Lincoln and his party were for an all powerful central gov. just like Hamilton and Clay. Read the 1860 Republican Party's agenda. Before the war states both north and south used nullification and the the threat of secession in response to unfair federal tariffs/taxeszperiodz Those powers were left to the states by by the revolution generation of Washington, who seceded from England, as the states way of limiting the central government.

By defeating the south Lincoln didn't destroy the principles of nullification and secession or the idea of the consent of the governed. But he did intimidate those principles for the next 140 years with the threat of violence to those who want to use those principles to descent from the central government. So effective was the brutality of the war against secession only now are these principles beginning to stir in a small way in a few states.

Read the history between 1800 and 1860 and you'll find several actual nullifications and also secession threats mainly from northern states! New York City even threatened to secede from the United States AND New York state over free trade issues and become a city state.

At the start of the war most people accepted secession as a state right. Why do you think Lincoln locked up 30,000 northern dissenters, ordered the US Postal Service not to mail newspapers whose editors came out against him, Suspended Habeaus Corpus, ordered the Maryland State legislature locked up and issued a warrant for the arrest of Supreme Court Justice Taney????

Because they opposed his war against secession. He repeatedly violated the Constitution and individual rights by using violence on northerners to force the north into waging war against secession.

Who was seceding? The southern Democrates. Who wanted big central government and federal land give aways? The Republican Party. Who was dissenting and punished for it in the North? The northern Democrates.

The so called Civil War was actually a war between those two political parties. Once the Republicans won control of the central gov. the southern Democrats then powerless and at the mercy of Republican tarriffs and land give aways seceded.

Why didn't the Republicans just let them leave? Because the South was rich in Natural Resources and exports. They were also the biggest market for Northern finance and manufactured goods. The South paid 70% of all import tariffs. Import tariffs made up 90% of the federal governments revenue....Do you get it???

Most of what you've been taught about Lincoln, the Civil War and the South's Lost Cause is fantasy -- from both sides. Go look at the real documents. Read about what actually happened and the reasons given by those who acted. Read European newspaper accounts and analysis from the 1850s and 1860s. Then do your own reasoning.

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