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At the time immediately prior to Confederation, there were six (or perhaps seven) British colonies in what is now Canada.

They were Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, the pre-Confederation Province of Canada (i.e.,the former colonies of Upper Canada and Lower Canada), and British Columbia.

There was also the "proprietary" colony owned and governed by the Hudson's Bay Company, known as Rupert's Land.

Each colony came into being at different times and in different ways. Shortly before Confederation, British Columbia and Vancouver Island were separate colonies. At one time, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island were one colony. At another time, Cape Breton Island, which is now part of Nova Scotia, was a separate colony.

Canada itself was never a colony as such, unless the reference is being made about the pre-Confederation Province of Canada.

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the british came to Canada in the early 1600's

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Q: When did Canada became a British colony?
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