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Starving yourself is really not the answer, why don't you join the gym and eat healthy? That way you will get the satisfaction of a good work out and still be able to eat healthy meals? Your body will become toned due to the exercise and you will feel great. Starving yourself can have a great impact on your body and can cause serious damage. You can become moody, your hair can fall out, it can stop you from having babies (if you're a lady), cause acne and much more.

Please don't starve yourself. This can actually result in your body beginning to store more fat when you do eat.


You would not be able to as you'd die first. The best way to get rid of it is to speed up your metabolism by exercising such as jogging, but make sure you get nice jogging trainers from a specialist such as sweatshop in Milton Keynes in the UK where they will watch the way you run and see how you distribute weight on your feet. You'll be able to go for longer, easier, and it'll be better for your feet, legs, joints back etc.

Also remember that you need calories to burn calories so if you just starve yourself and exercise it's only going to hurt and make things harder for you and probably give u issues, and when you start starving the body the body just learns to store more energy yes in the form of fat so eat healthy. Easier said than done but once you start noticing the difference in yourself you'll find it easier to stick to your plans. remember to eat plenty of greens as they also help burn fat, and stick to lean meats such as skinless chicken or fish.

Drink plenty of water, stay focused and strong, and give yourself a reasonable time scale. If you lose the weight too fast your skin will sag as it cant keep up with you. Rub vitamin E cream into your skin to help it along its way and it will also help get rid of stretch marks.

Remember it's really hard work, but it gets easier. Don't go mad on the weight loss though. Underweight is just as unhealthy or unattractive as overweight.

Whatever diet you decide to try, you should advise your doctor, as there are several medical conditions that can be triggered or worsened by lower calorie intake.

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Q: When you are 11 stone - which is 154 pounds -if you stop eating how long will it take to lose about 4 or 5 stone?
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