

Where can you buy tea leaves?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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I like tea,especilly Green Tea.

China Green Tea is the best one in all.

Maybe you can try it.

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Q: Where can you buy tea leaves?
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Where do you get tea leaves on harvest moon animal parade?

If you mean tea leaf seeds then you buy them from Marimba Farm in the summer. But if you mean just tea leaves then I don't know where you get them. Sorry!

How can you separate tea from tea leaves?

Tea is literally fragmented tea leaves. In other words, you don't.

What leaves is tea made from?

Tea leaves (Camelia Sinensis).

What is the base ingredient of green tea?

The basic ingredient of green tea is the same as the basic ingredient of normal ("black") tea: tea leaves, that is, the leaves from the tea shrub. In the case of black tea, the leaves are fermented; green tea is unfermented, or fermented less. But the leaves are the same.

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How do you make the items that lumina likes on harvest moon ds?

To get relax tea leaves you can either cook it or buy it. You can buy it for 1000 medals at the sprite tree. To make it you have to have red orange yellow green blue indigo and purple grass and a weed. You get all those items and cook them using no utensils. You now have relax tea leaves. To get relax tea you just put the relax tea leaves on a pot and viola you have luminas fav gift =)

What does tea contains?

it depends what type of tea..... white tea is made from tea leaves

When was Tea Leaves created?

Tea Leaves was created on 2012-04-01.

Where could one buy tea strainers online?

Tea strainers can be bought from several online stores. These stores include Amazon, Stash Tea, and Teavana. Tea strainers are used to catch loose tea leaves and thus prevent them from getting into the tea.

Why don't we consume tea leaves?

if steeping tea leaves in hot water produces a healthy, beneficial drink, why do we not consume the leaves to get more/all of the beneficial characteristics of tea leaves?

What sorts of products does the Mighty Leaf Tea company sell?

The Mighty Leaf Tea Company sells all kinds of teas. A person can buy tea bags, loose tea leaves, tea for iced tea, decaffeinated tea, green tea, tea mugs, tea sets, storage tins and more.

What separating method can be used to separate tea leaves from tea?

put both of them into water