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"General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

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Q: Where did Ronald Reagan do his speech about tearing down the wall of Berlin?
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Who exactly said to take the Berlin wall down?

Ronald Reagan gave a speech to West Germany on Berlin's 750th anniversary. In his speech, he challenged Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the wall. So it was really because of Ronald Reagan's speech that the wall came down.

What wall did Ronald Reagan reference in his speech?

In 1987 Reagan demanded the fall of the Berlin Wall, while speaking nearby at the Brandenburg Gate in West Germany.

Ronald Reagan made a famous speech in 1987 where he urged Mikhail Gorbachev to?

He urged him to tear down the Berlin Wall.

How did Ronald Reagan's speech to tear down the Berlin Wall affect us?

he was an amazing president. the wall would probobly still be up if he hadnt made his speech.

Where did Ronald Reagan give the speech following the challenger disaster?

Ronald Reagan gave the speech following the challenger disaster in the oval office.

What is the subject of Ronald Reagan's speech?

Please write which speech.

Who gave a speech on the Berlin Wall?

President Ronald Reagan of the United States (President from 1981-1989) he gave the speech at the Brandenburg gate in 1987, and urged Mikhail Gorbatchev to "Tear down this wall!"

Which wall is Reagan referring to?

Without further context, it is difficult to determine which wall Ronald Reagan may be referring to. It could be the Berlin Wall, as Reagan famously called on Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to "tear down this wall" in a 1987 speech. However, it could also refer to other walls or barriers present during Reagan's presidency.

What was Ronald Reagan's Star Wars speech about?

Ronald Reagan was talking about satellites in space with lasers on them that had the power to destroy possible ICBM's from the Soviet Union.

How is Gorbachev's role in ending communism acknowledged in US President Ronald Reagan's 1987 speech in which he refers to the Berlin Wall?

Answer this question…Reagan refers to some of the results of perestroika and glasnost in the Soviet Union.

Where did Ronald Reagan give his speech in 1987?

Ronald Reagan gave his first inaugural address at the west front of the U.S. Capitol building on Tuesday, January 20, 1981.

What US President delivered a speech on Governor's Island?

Ronald Reagan gave a speech there in honor of the centennial of the Statue of Liberty and its relighting.