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It is hydraulic. There is no adjustment, it self adjusts.

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Q: Where do you adjust a clutch pedal on a 1991 civic?
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Your clutch has been replaced and you are not getting any pressure on your clutch pedal how on a 1991 Chevy Cheyenne 454 how do you fix it?

if the clutch is hydraulic operated, bleed the cluth if it is mechanical cluth, adjust the linkages

How do you adjust the clutch pedal on a 1991 Saturn SL1?

When the clutch pedal changes position, it usually indicates the need for a new clutch...but... You should be able to find a shop manual at your local library with the right info...make copies as they are usually only in the REFERENCE section....good luck:)

Is there a clutch safety switch on a 1991 Honda civic HB?

yes there is. it is located under neath the drivers instrument panel, at the top of the clutch pedal assembly. It has a 2 pin connector, one wire running to a ground, and the other wire running to the starter relay. the clutch pedal must be depressed to start the vehicle and allow the ignition to engage the starter.

How do you replace a clutch on a 1991 Honda Prelude si with aws?

You can't aprrently on a hyrdraulic clutch, which these have that adjust automatically.

How do you adjust the clutch on a Mercury CApri 1991?

its a hydraulic clutch and needs no adjustment, if its loose it typically means its worn

How do you adjust clutch Nissan truck 1991?

Check your clutch master cylinder and slave cylinder for leaks,if no leaks,then you need a new clutch kit.

How do you adjust the clutch on 1991 Chevrolet 2500?

It is notadjustable, You either have a bad clutch slave cylinder, clutch master cylinder. The clutch and pressure plate may just be worn out.

Where is the fuse panel on a 1991 Toyota hiace?

slightly to the left of the clutch pedal at the back of the foot well

Where is the ecm in a 1991 Isuzu pickup?

It is to the left of the clutch pedal,under the plastic cover,behind the carpet.

How do you adjust your clutch on a 1991 Chevy Silverado?

There is no adjustment on that year. You either have a worn out clutch disc or a bad clutch slave cylinder. Could be a bad clutch master cylinder too.

Is there a switch to allow ignition on the clutch or clutch pedal of a 1991 ford bronco?

Probably so. Look under your dash and follow the clutch pedal with your eyes if possible- with your hands if not. It is a safety feature to keep vehicle from starting in gear. I have heard of them being bypassed.

Why would a 1991 Mustang 5.0 rev up by itself when the clutch is pushed in?

Accelerator linkage binding or idle air control solonoid is bad. possible throttle position sensor (TPS) Or the clutch is slightly engaged at all times. You can adjust this, if it hasn't been adjusted already. To do this, pull on the clutch pedal towards you (instead of to the floor). Use some strength when pulling back. If it is able to adjust, it will click. I would try that before spending money.