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its not exactly a normal pickup but it is under the left side cover

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Q: Where is the pick up coil on 1998 Yamaha warrior ATV?
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How do you test the Pick up coil on a Yamaha Warrior?

First you need to unplug the two plugs coming out of the stator, you will see one with three prong holes: that's for the source coil and the other has four that is where you check your pickup coil, depending on what year you have, there will be two coils on the early years 87- maybe up to 90 or 92, after that just a single onward. The color coding on the wires you will have to get out of a Yamaha factory manual, to figure out which coil is bad, the Clymer manual won't show you the color to each coil.

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Go to your local dealer and pick-up the parts you need and half a brain.

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Where is the engine coil on a 1998 s 10 pick up?

Assuming you have a 2.2 L engine and it is the ignition coil you are looking for, it can be best reached from under the truck, it is on the passenger side of the engine block.

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how to changr pick up coil 88 vandura

What is the difference between a ignition coil and a pick up coil?

Ignition coils are generally external while pick up coils are generally internal to distributor

Why don't you have fire when you changed out coil wires and distributor cap?

Rotor Pick-up coil

What might prevent a 1989 Jeep Cherokee from getting spark?

could be.... coil ... coil wire or... pick up coil.. not working

How do you change a pick up coil on a 1985 Chevy?

if the coil is on the distributor cap,remove cover then disconnect wires from the coil and remove coil. if coil is on engine then loosen the bolt and remove from coil mount

How do you pick up bags in gotcha warrior?

move your characters to them

How do you install a pickup coil on a 96 GMC sierra V8?

96 gmc does not have a pick up coil but the coil is monted to the intake removed by two bolts pick up is in the dis. removed by pulling the dis. then by taking a part

1991 Dodge Dakota that won't START - I have already replaced the pick-up in the distributor and coil and coil wire you have power to the coil but there is not power coming out of the coil - help?

Replace the ECU.