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Nan bread because kippers and pasta and orange have the highest.

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Q: Which food gives the least amount of energy from kippers parsnip steak orange pasta and nan bread?
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What is the different between wild parsnip and wild carrot?

One is a parsnip (a sort of whitish colour) and one is a carrot (orange coloured).

What does a parsnip look like?

It looks just like a carrot except that the root is white instead of orange. There are frilly green tops and the parsnip grows under the ground and look just like a white carrot.

Which visible color has the least amount of energy?

The colors of the spectrum going from lowest energy to highest energy are violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red.

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White, yellow, and orange

Does an orange give more energy off then a potato?

There are two types of energy, immediate and energy that's stored for later. So, an orange would be more immediate while pasta would be stored for later. They have similar energy proportions but pasta would be higher.

Why are mangos orange?

mangoes are orange because of the amount of sunlight they get

How much starch is there in a orange?

There is no significant amount of starch in an orange.

What the average amount of moles in an orange?

That the average mass of an orange

How much water do you add to 12oz can of frozen orange juice?

the amount is the amount of liquid in a orange :)

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Who or what is a parsnip?

A parsnip is a pale yellow in colour, tapering root. It is is boiled or baked. The flavouris strong and sweet. Pastinak in the German language; pastinaca in the Italian.

How much rind does an orange have?

There is no one answer. The amount of rind depends on the size of the orange.