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Q: Which has more electron affinity oxygen or sulphur?
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Is oxygen has more electron affinity than sulfur?

Yes. Oxygen has greater electron affinity than any other element except fluorine.

Which have more electron shells oxygen or sulfur?


Which has more electron affinity oxygen or chlorine?

Electron affinity of chlorine is far grater than oxygen. For oxygen, its value is 141 KJ/mole whereas for Chlorine, it is 349 KJ/mole. Thus, adding an electron is more favourable in case of a gaseous chlorine atom

What are the trends and exceptions to the trends in electron affinity?

Down the group electron affinity decreases Across a period electron affinity increases. However, it should be noted that chlorine is having higher electron affinity than flourine due to the small size of fluorine atom)

Why the addition of two electrons or removal of one electron requires more energy in oxygen atom?

Type your answer here... when adding an electrons to oxygen it needs more energy in electron affinity in order to attract electrons from other atoms to be stable.and we know that oxygen is in short of two in the other hand when an electron is removed from oxygen it will be unstable and will be needing more ionization energy to be able to remove an electron to it.Thus mean indeed when adding or removing electrons for oxygen it requires energy.

Definition of electron affinity?

The energy change that occurs when an electron is added to a neutral atom. This is usually exothermic. Noble Gases are excluded from this. Equation: X(element)+e-(electron)---------> X-1+ energy

In anemia 23-DPG is and oxygen affinity is?

In anaemia 23-dpg is increased & oxygen affinity is reduced.. Tissue gets more oxygen... Thanks...

Which has the more negative electron affinity br or br?

Br for sure!

When is a polar molecule?

when one part of it has a higher electron affinity that isn't canceled out by another. example: H2O H-O-H Oxygen has a very high electron affinity, it pulls on electrons a lot harder than other atoms (except fluorine, which has the highest electron affinity). Oxygen pulls the electrons away from the hydrogen atoms giving it a relatively negative charge, and giving the hydrogen atoms a positive charge. But: CO2 O-C-O Both Oxygen atoms are pulling on the electrons the same amount so there aren't any more in one part of the molecule than another. That's the basic explanation.

Electron affinity tends to what?

Electron affinity is an elements' ability to attract electrons and is variable for each element. Generally the more electronegative atoms are furthest to the right bottom of the periodic table and ascending to the left the elements lose their electron accepting ability.

Why the electron affinity is important?

Electron affinity for an atom is important to make it as a molecule.where atom is a small single one and molecule is the combination of two or more atoms.electron affinity is just a desire for attraction of electron by the atom.for example : We should have some affection for others to become their close relation like friends and live together in the same way a single atom should have desire [that is framed as ELECTRON AFFINITY] for electrons to be attached to form molecule

Why electron affinity of fluorine is large?

Electron affinity of an element is defined as the energy released by adding an electron to a gaseous atom of the element. With the electronic configuration of the fluroine atom being [Ne] 2s2 2p5, it needs just one more electron to form the fluoride ion (F-) which has the noble gas structure and is much more stable.