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Separation of church and state is a debate that is closely related to the First Amendment.

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Q: Which of these political debates is most closely related to the first amendment to the us constitution?
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What were some debates that Benjamin Franklin was involved in?

he did agree with the ratification of the constitution

What did the political debates over the whiskey rebellion lead to?

The political debates themselves resulted in action taken by George Washington, to suppress the rebellion. However, the events contributed to a more important result of political parties, and the two-party system seen today was born.

How did the founding fathers form a government that was strong and accountable to the people?

An answer lacking details: they had many long and arduous debates that lasted for months, culminating in the Constitution and its Bill of Rights. The Constitution took so long to ratify because many people feared a strong central government would make state governments obsolete, that there was no Bill of Rights when every state constitution had one and that the Constitution was too vague(Elastic Clause). People against the Constitution were Anti-Federalists. So there were 2 big compromises: the Great Compromise of 1787 and the 3/5 Compromise. A Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution later on during the debates.

What is the diplomacy of women suffrage?

The definition of diplomacy is the art or practice of conducting international relations, as in negotiating alliances, treaties, and agreements, or tact and skill in dealing with people. If you look at major suffragists, you will see they fit into these definitions nearly exactly. They were constantly petitioning to Congress to get an Amendment giving women the right to vote added to the U.S. Constitution. Women like Susan B. Anthony were constantly participating in debates and giving speeches defending their stance on Women's Suffrage. They were trying to persuade many people to pressure Congress into adding an Amendment supporting Women's Suffrage to the Constitution. For more information check out I hope this helped

Why was the bill of rights added to the constitution-?

The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution as the first ten amendments on December 15, 1791. The fact that the Constitution did not include a bill of rights to specifically protect Americans' hard-won rights sparked the most heated debates during the ratification process.

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What major debates shaped the terms of the US. Constitution?

Political Debates Between Lincoln and Douglas.

What were the major debates and compromises that affected the creation of the U.S constitution?

Political Debates Between Lincoln and Douglas.

Anyone like political debates?

There are many people who like political debates.

What were the major debates and compromises that affected the creation of the U.S. Constitution?

What were the major debates and compromises that affected the creation of the U.S constitution Answer this question…

Whose different philosophies and viewpoints can the formation of political parties be traced to?

The formation of political parties can be traced to different philosophies and viewpoints from thinkers such as John Locke, who emphasized individual rights and limited government, and Karl Marx, who focused on class struggle and the need for a revolution to achieve equality. Additionally, ideologies like conservatism, liberalism, socialism, and others have also influenced the formation of political parties based on their varying ideas about the role of the state and society.

How did the Virginia statute for religious freedom influence the U.S. Constitution?

In order to understand this you have to know about the history. Religious groups (Baptist Christians) attempted to amend the Constitution of Virginia changing the words to "Our lord Jesus Christ." The measure was soundly defeated, with only 1 vote for the measure. This sentament was carried over into congressional debates on the constitution and was eventually enacted as part of the 1st amendment; thereby preventing the sponsorship of any one religion over another.

Was a result of the political debates over the whiskey rebellion?

The emergence of a two-party political system.

What does the elephant and horse mean with the debates?

For political debates the Elephant represents the Republican party and the donkey represents the Democratic party.

What were some debates that Benjamin Franklin was involved in?

he did agree with the ratification of the constitution

What was the focus of the ratification debates in each state?

whether to accept or reject the constitution.

How did the American structure their debates about the economy in terms of interpreting the constitution?

Many Americans use the Constitution to have debates about the economy. Often the issue of free trades and state's rights will come up in regards to messing with the economy.

How did Americans structure their debates about the economy in terms of interpreting the Constitution?

Many Americans use the Constitution to have debates about the economy. Often the issue of free trades and state's rights will come up in regards to messing with the economy.