

Who did President Nixon have perform at the White House?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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I think it was Elvis Presley.

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Q: Who did President Nixon have perform at the White House?
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President Richard Nixon was a Quaker, he often hosted religious services of the east room of the White House.

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The White House in Washington D.C.

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Nixon is the answer. These "plumbers" were part of the Watergate Affair which was Nixon's undoing.

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Because Nixon was president atthe time.

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Spiro Agnew was forced to resign from his position as Vice President under President Nixon due to charges of tax evasion and bribery. He later pleaded no contest to the charges.

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US President Nixon expanded the President Eisenhower claim of almost total unchecked privilege for the executive branch. Not only that, Nixon, if possible, made for the White House, almost an absolute privilege system. He was also giving the White House staff expanded powers as well. Yes, there can be a debate as to whether President Lyndon Johnson really was the intermediary between Eisenhower and Nixon.

What breed of dog was Richard Nixon's?

The dogs that Richard Nixon had in the White House were Checkers the cocker spaniel, Vicky the poodle, Pasha the terrier, and King Timahoe who was an Irish Setter. Nixon was also the first president to keep fish in the White House.

Which President is said to roam the white house halls during times of political unrest?

Richard Nixon