

Who did the Virginia Plan favor?

Updated: 12/17/2022
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15y ago

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it favored the french

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Q: Who did the Virginia Plan favor?
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Whom did the Virginia Plan favor and why?

The Virginia plan favored the people of Virginia.

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Who did the Virginia Plan favor smaller states or larger states?

larger states

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Virginia plan

Which states favored the New Jersey plan?

smaller ones

What did states with large populationfavorthe Virginia plan?

The Virginia Plan, in having a unicameral legislature whose delegates are assigned by population (much like having just the House of Representatives), favored large states, because their large populations would give them power.

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Who were the supporters of the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan?

Many of the larger states that knew they would get better representation voted in favor of this, such as New York and other densely populated areas. The supporters of the New Jesey plan were smaller staes, because the New Jersey Plan offered equal represenation. Small states such as Delaware preferred this plan much more.