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Of course it is, and that is by design. Many of the mitzvot (correctly translated as guidelines) are job, tribe, gender, and/or location specific. For example, mitzvot that apply to farming, are only relevant to farmers, it would be ridiculous to apply such mitzvot to someone who works as a store owner in a city. Other mitzvot only apply to Temple life so without the Temple, these laws don't apply to anyone and so on.

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Many Jews do. Today, it isn't possible to follow all of the commandments because many are related to the Beis HaMikdash(Tabernacle) being in existence.

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Q: Who follows the 613 Jewish commandments?
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What is 613 mitzvot all about?

These are the 613 commandments that were given by God to the Jewish people.

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The 613 Commandments in the Jewish Bible.

How many commandments did the Torah have?

The Torah did have, and still has, 613 commandments, according to Jewish tradition.

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By obeying (as much as they can out of) the 613 commandments, which are the basis of the Jewish law.

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The Ten Commandments were only 10 of the moral laws of the Hebrews. Jewish tradition holds that there are 613 commandments in total.

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613 commandments.

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All 613 commandments; but chief among them the awareness of God and the prohibition against idolatry.

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Jewish tradition holds that the 613 commandments came from God, but modern halacha (Jewish Law) is the result of a partnership between God and Jews.

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In the Sefer Hamitzvot, Moses Maimonides listed 613 commandments found in the Torah. Please see the link below.

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Jewish tradition identifies 613 distinct commandments in the Torah, all of which tradition holds were given to Moses on Mt. Sinai. In the Jewish tradition, what Christians call the ten commandments are called the 10 statements because not all of them have the form of commandents. Jews consider themselves to be bound by the 613 commandments, while they consider non-Jews to be bound only by the 7 commandments of the Noachide covenant (the covenant of the Rainbow) discussed in the book of Genesis at the end of the story of Noah.

What do the beads represent on a Jewish prayer shawl?

There are no beads on a Tallit or Jewish prayer shawl. There are knots and strings called Tzitzit on each corner that represent the 613 commandments found in the Torah.

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