

Who is the first teacher?

Updated: 10/10/2023
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12y ago

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Bologna History:

The Lighter Side of History

(Which means some historical fact and a whole lot of bologna)

The very first teacher in the world was none other than Mr. Lucifer Fallenangel. It was he who tutored Eve in the methods of gaining knowledge of good and evil. Eve, in turn, taught Adam this method and before you know it, the first thing Adam and Eve learned was that they were naked. Like some bad dream where they discovered they got to school naked, forgetting to put on clothes, the got dressed in a hurry.

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The editors of Wikianswers wish to clarify that Wikianswers does not endorse the view that the above paragraph is some form of bologna...

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The first paragraph is a mythological tale of the worlds first teacher. Many scholars might disagree and insist that it was God who was the first teacher and this answer accepts that. It is merely an interpretation of the text of The Old Testament on this answers part. Another possible candidate for first teacher in the world would be John T. Experience, a teacher who formed the School of Hard Knocks early in world history and there are many people who have attended this University that is as respected as it is reviled.

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13y ago

In Christianity, the first teacher dates back to the Old Testament. Of course, the answer is God in the Garden of Eden, teaching his first creation of man and woman. In Genesis,Godinstructs Adam and Eve against the temptation of the forbidden fruit. Adam and Eve fail their test miserably and are disciplined so severely that men and women are forever punished. Aside from supernatural figures, "teacher" can refer to anyone who teaches anything to others, and therefore can describe almost everyone. As for those whose primary occupation is educating others, it is possible that such a role was filled as early as humans formed settlements in which they could afford the luxury of time to teach and learn in addition to just surviving. Formal education has long referrred to the three R's: Reading, wRiting, and 'Rithmetic. As written language extends back atleast as far as the cuneiform of the Sumerians from around 3000 BC, and the ability to count and manipulate numbers goes even further back, one can assume that someone must have been capable of teaching othersthese systems so they could be used by many people and passed on. It is therefore also probable that some individuals specialized in this and could have filled the role of private tutors or teachers. In America, one of the earliest schools is the Boston Latin School, established in 1635, noteworthy because it is still in operation. The first schoolmaster, Philemon Pormort, ran it until 1638. One cannot assume, however, that no other schools or teachers preceded this whose names are lost because they did not continue. Further, it would also be unfair to discount the achievements of Native Americans including civilizations such as the Mayans and Aztecs who developed sophisticated systems of counting and measuring time and would certainly have employed individuals to teach the principles they used.

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it's Ala'ddin Mal'akdem, from the ancient Philippines.

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14y ago

The first teacher born was named Mr.Todd. He was born in 1864 and died in 1959.

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Mrs. Johnson

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Socrates with his Socratic Method

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