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Q: Who was the abolitionist who tried to arm slaves in Virginia?
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Who were the Northern abolitionist who tried to arm slaves by raiding Harpers Ferry?

john brown

Who was an abolitionist who sought to free the slaves in the US by force?

John Brown - he tried to arm the slaves for a nationwide rebellion. Brown's attempt failed and he was hanged for treason in December of 1859.

What was John Brown's role in the pre Civil War era?

Brown took slaves to Harper's Ferry where there was an arsenal of weapons that he gave to slaves to start a slave rebellion. He was also responsible for bloody atrocities in "Bloody Kansas," prior to that.

Who planned to lead an army of slaves?

Spartacus. Also, John Brown. His 1859 raid on the US Arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia was planned to spark a slave revolt. Brown was expecting to be able to use the contents of the Armory to arm a slave revolt in Virginia. He was an ardent abolitionist, and firmly believed that the only real method of overturning that "despised institution" in Virginia (and, eventually, the entire South) was via an armed insurrection.

What impression did southerners have of northerners after brown raid on harpers ferry?

Abolitionist fanatics, ready to arm the slaves for a nationwide rebellion.

Was John Brown A abolitionist?

Yes - a fanatical abolitionist. His attempted capture of the Federal arsenal, in order to arm the slaves for a nationwide rebellion, convinced the South that all Abolitionists were in favour of armed revolution.

Was the raid on Harpers Ferry antislavery?

Very much so. John Brown was a fanatical abolitionist who was trying to arm the slaves for a rebellion.

What was John Brown's goal when he tried to seize weapons from the Harpers Ferry armory?

To arm the slaves for a full-scale rebellion.

What was the purpose of john browns raid on the arsenal at harpers ferry Virginia?

The objective was to steal enough weapons to arm slaves and start an uprising in Virginia

What was the importance of John Brown?

He tried to steal government weapons in order to arm the slaves and start a national rebellion. This made Southerners feel that the Abolitionist movement was in favour of violent insurrection, which they certainly weren't. But it caused heightened feelings on both sides, and brought war closer.

Who led an attack on the government arsenal at Harpers Ferry Virginia to get guns and ammunition to arm the slaves?

AnswerJohn Brown.

Who was the violent abolitionist that captured Harpers Ferry in Virginia?

Abolitionist John Brown and a group of his followers took over the Federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry in October 1859. He planed on creating a slave revolt and needed the arsenal to arm his revolt. No slaves joined his revolt and as a Marine Colonel, Robert E. Lee put ended Brown's folly. Brown was convicted of treason and was executed in December of 1859.