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Q: Who won the battle between the spanish and norh american indian tribe the navajo?
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What was the last major battle between white Americans Indian?

The Battle of Wounded Knee was the last major battle between white American and the Indians.

What 2 battles occurred in 1836?

1) spanish-american war 2) french- indian war

What two battles occurred in 1836?

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The French and Indian War actually pertained to the battle between the French and British for the Ohio River Valley. The Treaty of Paris closed the battle entitling France to lose all of her North American possesions... giving Britain the land they wanted and Spanish a few pieces as well. It is NOT the French, it was BRITAIN who won the French and Indian war.

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What happened to the Native American Indian population of Central Mexico between 1520 and 1600 and why did it occur?

Beginning in the late 1400s, the Spanish began to explore lands in the Americas. Besides bringing new products and animals, the explorers also brought diseases to America. These were diseases that were new to the American Indians. Hundreds of thousands of American Indians died because they were exposed to these new illnesses. Also, the explorers had better militaryweapons which allowed them to defeat the American Indians in battle. Finally, the explorers started fights between some tribes against others which led to separation and disunity between the American Indian tribes. This allowed the Spanish to take control of the tribes.

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The Battle of Wounded Knee was the last armed American Indian resistance to U.S. rule.

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They are a native American Indian tribe. Pueblo is spanish for villiage.

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African-American, Cuban, French, Indian, and Spanish.