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This question most probably refers to the Ulster Massacres, which were part of the Irish Rebellion of 1641. As that rebellion was going on, Parliamentarians in England circulated pamphlets in which they made the claim that 200,000 protestants in Ireland had been killed. The purpose of such Propaganda was surely to whip people into a greater fury than they were already in with the English Civil War looming. Wild claims were being made about all sorts of things, bedeviling all sorts of people from papists to witches. Those were times of hysteria, and people were not being rational.

(I have not been able to find any other reference to a massacre of Protestants of that number. The St. Bartholomew's Day massacres were smaller, and the Massacres of 200,000 Armenians in the 1890s were not of Protestants.)

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Q: Why did lots of people in England believe the rumour that 200 000 protestants had been massacred?
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