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The trade routes across the Sahara Desert existed long before the establishment of the silk road. It was used by the Roman Empire and perhaps even earlier. The Silk Road that went from Bejing to Venice was established by Genghis Kahn. Earlier roads probably existed along parts of the way if not the entire way. It may have used the old Roman road that went from the Urals to Venice.

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Q: Why did silk road trade begin across the Saharan Dessert?
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The Saharan trade extended from the Saharan West African kingdoms across the Sahara desert to Europe. The Saharan Trade linked such African empires as Ghana, Mali, and Songhay to the European world.

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The Saharan trade extended from the Sub-Saharan West African kingdoms across the Sahara desert to Europe. The Saharan Trade linked such African empires as Ghana, Mali, and Songhay to the European world.

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The Saharan trade extended from the Sub-Saharan West African kingdoms across the Sahara desert to Europe. The Saharan Trade linked such African empires as Ghana, Mali, and Songhay to the European world.

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That would be when traders used camels to transport goods across the Saharan desert. A caravan is the word used to denote a group of animals and travellers.

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Who ran the Saharan Trade Route?

No one really controlled the Saharan Trade route, however there were influential groups. The Bantus are an example. They were a nomadic tribe that traveled across the Sahara in caravans. Merchants would pay these nomads to travel across the desert to drop off goods and bring the money back to them in exchange for money or a different good.

Where did the trade routes begin to open?

West Africa across the Sahara

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No one realy knows

Did the Mali trade with Europe?

The Saharan Trade that extended from the sub Saharan West African Kingdoms across the desert to Europe, included Ghana, Songhay and Mali. The empire of Mali was one of the most powerful empires on Earth between 1240 and 1400. Mali was rich with gold deposits and gold was in great demand in Europe stimulating considerable trade

What did sub saharan Africa do?

trade with Romans

When did trans-saharan trade end?

Trans-Saharan trade declined significantly in the late 19th and early 20th centuries due to the increasing power of European colonialists and the development of alternative trade routes. The trade routes were further disrupted by the introduction of modern transportation, such as trains and ships, which made it easier to transport goods across oceans rather than through the harsh desert terrain.