

Best Answer

Because, in The Bible, Adam was paired with Eve, who was a woman. He was not paired with another Adam.

Roman Catholic AnswerYou must first look at whether you are talking about a homosexual orientation or a homosexual lifestyle. They are two different things. The Church has always taught that homosexual actsare sinful as this is the teaching that she has received from God and from the natural law.

The Church has taught consistently that homosexual actsare gravely disordered, in other words, this is a sin. Homosexuals, in themselves, are just people, like everyone else, called to be perfect by Jesus Christ and His Church. The Church condemns most vehemently any unjust discrimination and offers them the sacraments, just as It does for everybody, in order to live a Christian life. So many things, in the present day, are celebrated as "rights" or "freedoms", for instance, the pro-choice movement. But all "pro-choice" has always been a sin, and the Church is teaching the same thing today that it did centuries ago, holding fast to the revelation given it by Jesus Christ, even when that is against the current culture. The Church has always stood against the current culture, even in ancient Rome when it was actually considered scandalous that the Christians didn't expose their babies (for death).

from The Catechism of the Catholic Church, second edition, English translation 1994

2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, (Cf. Gen. 19:1-29; Rom 1:24-27; 1 Cor 6:10; 1 Tim 1:10) tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered." (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Persona humana 8) they are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.

2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

2359 Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.

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The Catholic Church does not attempt to "ban" homosexuality as such, it simply condemns the act. According to the Catechecism of the Roman Catholic Church, a homosexual person is described as "abnormal", "disordered" and "contrary to natural law" and the will of God.

The Church has been very vehement in this stance and has little intention of changing their view. This reveals to us that the Roman Catholic Church is still very much backward thinking, and has yet to follow it's own preaching on the subject of equality.

The Catholic Church is NOT against homosexuality in itself, but rather against any sexual act that is not open to life. This includes contraception, oral/anal sex, homosexual sex, etc. Since homosexuals cannot reproduce, they cannot engage in sexual activity. The only sexual act that is permitted by the RCC is unprotected vaginal sex between a man and a woman who are married in the church.

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9y ago

As of 2014, 62% of American Catholics do not believe homosexuality is wrong. However, those that do, are following the Church's interpretation of various Biblical verses, including Leviticus 18:22.

Catholic Answer

Catholicism teaches that sexuality is a great gift of God, and it is the way that He set up the human race, as a matter of fact, it is the first Commandment that God ever gave: "Be fruitful and multiply." The Catholic Church teaches that this commandment is the way in which most of us work out our salvation "with fear and trembling" and that it is only in marriage. Any sex outside of marriage is considered a grave sin. Homosexuality is considered one of the more grave sins, one of the four that "cry to heaven for vengeance" - murder and sodomy being the first two: murder (Gn 4:10), sodomy (Gn 17:20-21). Catholics believe that the sin of sodomy (sex between two people of the same sex, as used by the Church) is depraved and perverts the nature that God gave us. It is a grave insult to God and frustrates the purpose for which we were created - being in union with God in heaven for all eternity.

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10y ago

I assume you are asking why Catholics opposehomosexuality. The reason why Catholics do not accept the homosexual lifestyle is because it is against God's teachings. First of all, there are several places in the Bible where God Himself rejects homosexuality: Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:26-28, and 1 Timothy 1:8-11. Secondly, it is a matter of common sense. In Genesis, God created Adam and Eve. A man and a woman, who were to go forth and populate the earth. He did not make Adam and "Steve", nor did He make "Jane" and Eve. He made Adam and Eve. If God would have wanted homosexual unions do you not think He would have made one in the very beginning of time? That would make sense. But, He did not. He made a man and a woman. So if Bible verses are not clear enough, think about that. Thirdly, Catholics believe that marriage has two purposes, to create a union (through natural sex) between a man and a woman, and for the procreation of children (making babies). If one of these is missing (save in a marriage where the couple is unable to have children due to problems with one, the other, or both sexually) there really is no marriage. That is a marriage that can be annulled by the Church. So basically... union, the couple have not had intercourse, that is not a marriage. Unless the Church gives them a special dispensation, BEFORE they are married, that allows them to be common law man and wife, but remain virgins. Or if there is no children, because the couple is intentionally, through Birth Control or abortion, preventing conception or killing the child, there is no marriage. So with all this in mind.... can a man and a man make a child? Simple answer "no." Can a woman and a woman make a child? "No" again. So why, if marriage has the two purposes of union (through natural sex) and making babies, would the Church allow two people of the same gender, who can do neither of these, allow them to marry? It would not make any sense.

Now all this DOES NOT mean we hate homosexuals. It simply means we cannot condone their lifestyle. It is plainly against God's Law and Will. This does not give us the right however to make fun of homosexuals, physically harm them, etc. They are human beings just like us. Just like heterosexuals for that matter, but we cannot agree to their lifestyle. Honestly, I never heard or seen any of my fellow Catholics be mean to a homosexual person, though I know there are some that do, and that is wrong. But, I say sadly, I have seen many homosexuals and those who support homosexuality be critical of my Catholic Faith and fellow Catholics. So I ask, if we are all human beings, and homosexuals have the right to push their agenda on everyone in the world, do I not have the right to voice my disagreement with their agenda? Yes, I do. But, is it willingly given me as it is to the homosexuals? No, it is not. So when you say, "why do the Catholics have the attitude to homosexuality?" That is not fair, for homosexuals and all people who disagree with the Catholic Faith also have an attitude to the Catholic Faith. We simply all oppose one another, but some go to violent extremes. As Catholics, we are taught and expected not to harm our fellow human beings, no matter if they persecute us or not. But we will not and should not, stand by and keep our mouths shut on the issues of this world. For they affect us too. And in America, that is not only our God given right, but also our right as an American. Thank you for reading and God Bless.

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11y ago

Catholic Answer


The Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Christ on earth, put here to bring God to people, and lead people to God. As such, the Catholic Church teaches on all moral questions, and on anything else that may affect a person in their journey to God. Homosexuality is a particularly difficult issue for the simple reason that the world's views on it are so misguided. The Catholic Church carefully explains this as two separate issues: the issue of homosexuality inclination, and the issue of homosexual sex and lifestyle. Keep in mind that the Church's first movement on this issue is to express love and support for the individual involved and to proclaim the love of God for that person as they, like everyone else, are creatures of God, and through their baptism called to holiness and union with God forever in the joy of heaven.


That being said, the Church must deal with the individual's problems in this area. In the matter of homosexual inclination, the Church uses the technical theological term "a disordered passion." A passion in Catholic theology is a motion of the human appetite, especially as expressed in an intense motion. Passions are essentially desires out of control because of our fallen human nature. They are concupiscence in action. (note: concupiscence is the theological term denoting "spontaneous movement of the sensitive appetites toward whatever the imagination portrays as pleasant and away from whatever it portrays as painful. concupiscence also includes the unruly desires of the will, such as pride, ambition, and envy.) When passion arises spontaneously before the free will has acted, it is called antecedent and, as such, lessens human freedom and responsibility. When it is intentionally fostered by brooding or preoccupation, it is consequent passion because it comes after the free choice of will. Please note the difference! Thus a homosexual inclination, in and of itself, is NOT sinful, but it is considered "disordered" in the technical sense that the sexual drive is given to us by God for the purpose of promoting (ordered towards) the love between a husband and his wife, AND for the procreation of children. Thus homosexual inclination is considered "disordered" as it doesn't follow this natural order. However, sin does enter in if the will is moved to the consequent passion, as this involves free will.


The other part of this is homosexual sex and lifestyle, and this is condemned as sinful as it arises from an essentially disordered passion and frustrates God's plan for mankind. Also, in this instance, one is using one's sexual facilities for pleasure as opposed to procreation and thus committing sin.


Sin is a "word, deed or desire in opposition to the eternal law" (St. Augustine). Please understand that God is not making laws just for His own jollies: Natural (eternal) Law is the basic way in which God created the universe and ordered it towards our Good: which is eternal union and happiness with Him in heaven. That is what we were created for, and that is what will give us lasting joy. Everything else, anything that is outside the natural law frustrates the reason for which we were created and causes unhappiness in the end, and eternal separation from God, in other words, hell.

Homosexual behavior (sex) is forbidden but homosexuals who abstain are in no way condemned by the Church.
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