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Extra chromosomal DNA - plasmids- are useful to bacteria as they possess favourable genes conferring resistance to certain toxins/antibiotics and/or assist with the survival of the bacteria through metabolic benefits. The extra chromosomal DNA is only maintained if it has a purpose so a plasmid conferring antibiotic resistance will not be maintained by a bacterium in an antibiotic free environment...

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Q: Why do bacteria have extra chromosomal DNA?
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Circular extra genomic DNA is called?

A circular band of DNA that exists separate of chromosomal DNA is called a plasmid. Plasmids reside within bacteria cells and can replicate independently of the chromosomal DNA.

What is extrachromosomal replicon?

+other than chromosomal DNA is known as extra chromosomal DNA like plasmids, mitochondria and chloroplast containing DNA.

Can a bacteraial plasmid replicate independently of the bacterial chromosome?

Bacteria carry plasmids which is a double stranded DNA . It is how their extra chromosomal DNA is stored, they also have chromosomal DNA.Plasmids are extra-chromosomal DNA in Bacterial cells that replicate independently in cell. Plasmids are ubiquitous- means significant number of bacteria have plasmid and can have more that one plasmids. But Plasmids do not occur in all bacterial isolates.

What are plasmid genes?

A plasmid is an extra chromosomal DNA molecule separate from the chromosomal DNA which is capable of replicating independently from the chromosomal DNA I think this is far use.

What process in bacteria always allow both chromosomal and non-chromosomal DNA to be transferred?

Binary fission

Plasmids are circular pieces of DNA that exist in addition to the chromosomal DNA of certain bacteria and yeast?


What is the difference between plasmid and episomes?

Plasmid DNA is an extra-chromosomal DNA molecule, it cannot link up with chromosomal DNA, and it contains the genetic informations that are necessary for its own replication. Episomes is any kind of extra-chromosomal DNA that can link up with chromosomal DNA. That is the main difference between them two. Episomes are usually larger than other extra-chromosomal DNA. An example of episome are the viruses, because they intergrate their genetic material into the host's chromosomal DNA.The only difference between the plasmid and the episome is the integration i-e plasmid can not integrate while episome can integrate into the genome.

What are Extra-chromosomal DNA particles capable of independent replication are called?


What is a synonym for plasmid?

A plasmid is essentially extra-chromosomal self-replicating DNA

Which part of bacteria houses the genetic material?

The Nucleus contains the genetic material and DNA. :)

what are some exceptions to the cell theory?

Presence of extra-chromosomal DNA: Mitochondria and chloroplasts

What are catabolic plasmids?

circular, double stranded unit of DNA that replicates within a cell independently of the chromosomal DNA and is most often found in bacteria.