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Older cats -- especially older male cats, it seems -- often have kidney problems, which can result in a weak bladder.

Many cats will also refuse to use the box when it is too dirty. When the litter box in my house gets too dirty, my older male cat will routinely pee in the constantly-overflowing bathroom trash (you know, because it's filled with dry paper towels and scraps of dry toilet paper).

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Q: Why do male cats pee on everything when they have been fixed?
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Only if it's not male or isn't fixed :) I LIEK TURTLES 8D

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Its not that bad.... They only do it if they are not fixed, they do it to mark there territory

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When male and female cats fight, the more likely to fight each other would be 2 females if fixed, but more likely two males if they are not fixed.

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Look under the tail.Female cats look like: !Male cats look like: :